dimarts, 31 de desembre del 2013


Ets una tarda fosca amb crits vermells
al fons d’un bosc d’alzines negres.
Jo vaig cap al crepuscle
carregat amb un gran feix de llenya
molt seca.
Vols ajudar-me a suportar aquest pes,
a encendre un petit foc
per escalfar-hi
les mans tan buides de tots dos?


Jason Molina ens va deixar enguany. No dubtaria a triar aquesta cançó per recordar-lo ara i sempre.

I stood on the 66 Hwy
Wysteria, Magnolia beside the green line track
Said "Don't Come Back"
I found myself standing on the mountain
Beneath my full moon heart
John Henry split this heart split this full moon heart
Swing the heaviest hammer you got
Hit this one out of the park
He says boy what you going to do
With your heart in two
If its good enough
But only if its good enough
Half I'm going to use
To pay this band
Half I'm saving because I'm going to owe them

dilluns, 30 de desembre del 2013


Swinging in the backyard
Pull up in your fast car
Whistling my name
Open up a beer
And you take it over here
And play a video game
I'm in his favorite sundress
Watching me get undressed
Take that body downtown
I say you're the bestest
Lean in for a big kiss
Put his favorite perfume on
Go play a video game
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do
Singing in the old bars
Swinging with the old stars
Living for the fame
Kissing in the blue dark
Playing pool and wild darts
Video games
He holds me in his big arms
Drunk and I am seeing stars
This is all I think of
Watching all our friends fall
In and out of Old Paul's
This is my idea of fun
Playing video games
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do
(Now you do)
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do

dissabte, 28 de desembre del 2013


Una de les múltiples perles de l'àlbum The letting go (2006).

 a strange form of life
kicking through windows
rolling on yards

heading in loved ones' triggering eyes
a strange one

and a hard way to come into a cabin
into the weather
into a path
walking together
a hard one

and the softest lips ever
25 years of waiting to kiss them
smiling and waiting
to bend down and kiss twice
the softest lips

in a dark little room
across the nation
you found myself racing
forgetting the strange and the hard
and the soft kiss
in the dark room

and a strange form of life
kicking through windows
rolling on yards

heading in loved ones' triggering eyes
a strange one

dilluns, 23 de desembre del 2013


Surt es sol a Ciutat, de color carabassa és sa Catedral,
sa calitja se mescla amb es fum d'un vaixell d'Iscomar.
S'edifici de Gesa se desmorona i cauen reflexes damunt s'arena
des vidres daurats, faraones obres de temps passats.
Todas diferentes, no hay dos iguales,
un montón de gentes: Islas Baleares,
oh no, Islas Baleares, oh yeah, Islas...
Crema es sol a Ciutadella per Sant Joan
sona es jaleo, hi ha molts de cavalls,
Kas de llimona i Gin Xoriguer,
sa gent s'emociona i tira es capell,
es darrer toc de flabiol,
"fins l'any que ve si Déu vol!".
Cau es sol a la Savina,
a contrallum es Far de Barbaria,
a Sant Ferran sa Fonda Pepe,
es taller de Formentera Guitars.
Todas diferentes...

dimecres, 18 de desembre del 2013


 Do you still say your prayers little darlin'
Do you go to bed at night
Prayin' that tommorow, everything will be alright
But tommorow's fall in number in number one by one
You wake up and you're dying you don't even know what from
Well they shot you point blank you been shot in the back
Baby point blank you been fooled this time little girl that's a fact
Right between the eyes baby, point blank
Right between the pretty lies that they tell
Little girl you fell
You grew up where young girls they grow up fast
You took what you were handed and left behind what was asked
but what they asked baby wasn't right
You didn't have to live that life,
I was gonna be your Romeo you were gonna be my Juliet
These days you don't wait on Romeo's
You wait on that welfare check
And on all the pretty things that you can't ever have
And on all the promises that always end up point blank
Sot between the eyes
Point blank like little white lies you tell to ease the pain
You're walkin' in the sights, girl of point blank
And it's one false move and baby the lights go out

Once I dreamed we were together again, baby you and me
Back home in those old clubs the way we used to be
We were standin' at the bar it was hard to hear
The band was playin' loud and you were shoutin' somethin' in my ear
You pulled my jacket off and as the drummer counted four
You grabbed my hand and pulled me out on the floor
You just stood there and held me, then you started dancin' slow
And as I pulled you tighter I swore I'd never let you go
Well I saw you last night down on the avenue
Your face was in the shadows but I knew that it was you
You were standin' in the doorway out of the rain
You didn't answer when I called out your name
You just turned, and then you looked away
Like just another stranger waitin' to get blown away

Point blank, right between the eyes
Point blank, right between the pretty lies you fell
Point blank, shot right through the heart
Yea point blank, you've been twisted up
till you've become just another part of it
Point blank, you're walkin' in the sights
Point blank, livin' one false move
Just one false move away
Point blank, they caught you in their sights
Point blank, did you forget how to love,
Girl, did you forget how to fight.
Point blank they must have shot you in the head
Cause point blank, bang bang baby you're dead.

dissabte, 14 de desembre del 2013


The guilty undertaker sighs,
The lonely organ grinder cries,
The silver saxophones say I should refuse you.
The cracked bells and washed-out horns
Blow into my face with scorn,
But it's not that way,
I wasn't born to lose you.
I want you, I want you,
I want you so bad,
Honey, I want you.

The drunken politician leaps
Upon the street where mothers weep
And the saviors who are fast asleep,
They wait for you.
And I wait for them to interrupt
Me drinkin' from my broken cup
And ask me to
Open up the gate for you.
I want you, I want you,
I want you so bad,
Honey, I want you.

Now all my fathers, they've gone down,
True love they've been without it.
But all their daughters put me down
Cause I don't think about it.

Well, I return to the Queen of Spades
And talk with my chambermaid.
She knows that I'm not afraid
To look at her.
She is good to me
And there's nothing she doesn't see.
She knows where I'd like to be
But it doesn't matter.
I want you, I want you,
I want you so bad,
Honey, I want you.

Now your dancing child with his Chinese suit,
He spoke to me, I took his flute.
No, I wasn't very cute to him,
Was I?
But I did it, though, because he lied
Because he took you for a ride
And because time was on his side
And because I
I want you, I want you,
I want you so bad,
Honey, I want you.

dijous, 12 de desembre del 2013


Tant de bo tants i tants catalans que han mort sense poder veure la independència de la pàtria poguessin ser ara aquí. Em permeto citar un altre blog que descriu perfectament el que està en joc.

"Caldrà fer feina de valent i ningú no ens regalarà res, ho haurem d'agafar, però assolirem l'objectiu d'ésser lliures dins Europa. En aquesta hora sura la pusil·lanimitat que llargs anys de nit colonial han fet arrelar a l'ànima de molts de compatriotes. Tot això s'esvairà, ja ho veiem cada dia quan estols de gent indiferent fins ara o bé hostil s'arrengleren al costat de l'alliberament de la Pàtria. La primera i indispensable passa és estar convençuts que la llibertat és possible perquè no hi ha més alternativa que l'anihilació del nostre poble. Quan tenim aquesta tasca feta res no ens pot aturar."




La terrassa d'un bar en una nit d'estiu,
si no perdo la consciència, seguiré pensant en tu.
Hi ha un mico que balla en la punta d'un pal
i senyores amb paraigües que em diuen: "hola, què tal?".
Hi ha un home que resa a algun déu superior
amb dues espelmes i un nas de cartró
i jo he vingut d'estranquis, no ho diguessis a ningú,
aquí al lloc d'aquesta terra que més em recorda a tu.
Hi ha dos policies que es passegen a cavall,
els cavalls semblen de goma i els genets de metall.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès;
t'escriuria una postal però tinc el cap massa espès.

Anem a voltar per la Rambla,
et compraré un ramet de flors.
Anem a voltar per la Rambla,
beurem xaropets de colors.
Anem a voltar per la Rambla
vestits amb gorros de paper,
ens pintem de rosa la cara
i parlarem en estranger.

Al balcó d'una tronada pensió
hi ha una dona grassa que es pentina amb un raspall,
porta una perruca que li cau fent anar el porró
i encara se'n recorda dels tramvies amb cavall.
He vist un arbre tort amb llumets de tots colors
i un colom solitari barallant-se amb un anís;
hi ha dies deliciosos que ve de gust recordar,
anem fins a la Rambla a fer un vas de Pastís.

 Remember the morning we dug up your gun
The worms in the barrel, the hangin' sun
Those first nervous evenings of perfume and gin
The lost smell on your breath as I helped you get it in
The rush of your lips, the feel of your name
The beat of your heart, the devil's arcade

You said heroes are needed, so heroes get made
Somebody made a bet, somebody paid
The cool desert morning, then nothin' to save
Just metal and plastic where your body caved
The slow games of poker with Lieutenant Ray
In the ward with the blue walls, a sea with no name
Where you lie adrift with the heroes
Of the devil's arcade

You sleep and dream of your buddies Charlie and Jim
And wake with the thick desert dust on your skin

A voice says "Don't worry, I'm here"
Just whisper the word 'tomorrow' in my ear
A house on a quiet street, a home for the brave
The glorious kingdom of the sun on your face
Rising from a long night as dark as the grave
On a thin chain of next moments
And something like faith
On a morning to order, a breakfast to make
A bed draped in sunshine, a body that waits
For the touch of your fingers
The end of a day
The beat of your heart, the beat of your heart
The beat of your heart, the beat of her heart
The beat of your heart, the beat of her heart
The beat of her heart, the slow burning away
Of the bitter fires of the devil's arcade.

dijous, 5 de desembre del 2013


Un dels àlbums de "conversió" d'en Robert Zimmerman. Magnífica música espiritual. En aquest enllaç trobareu la lletra i (ben avall) la possibilitat d'escoltar-la.

dimecres, 4 de desembre del 2013


Grup desconegut sevillà de rock progressiu (com es va anomenar llavors, amb grups interessants com els catalans Màquina). Psicodèlia, rock andalús (sentiu "El Garrotín", per exemple).
Un goig de sentir-los. Un dels grans grups espanyols.
Malaguanyat Julio Matito...després de morir la banda es va dissoldre.


Upon this street where time has died.
The golden treat you never tried.
In times of old, in days gone by.
If I could catch your dancing eye.

It was on the way,
On the road to dreams, yeah.
Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah.

The street is cold, its trees are gone.
The story's told the dark has won.
Once we set sail to catch a star.
We had to fail, it was too far.

It was on the way,
On the road to dreams, yeah.
Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah.

I felt the wind shout like a drum.
You said, "My friend, love's end has come."
It couldn't last, had to stop.
You drained it all to the last drop.

It was on the way,
On the road to dreams, yeah.
Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah.

Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah.

On this dark street the sun is black.
The winter life is coming back.
On this dark street it's cold inside.
There's no retreat from time that's died.

It was on the way,
On the road to dreams.
Now my heart's drowned in no love streams,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah.
Now my heart's drowned in no love.

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013


Fantàstics Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker i Eric Clapton (aquest darrer mot abans de descobrir el pop comercial). Pura psicodèlia. No intenteu entendre la lletra.

Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop,
They didn't want to - 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rat's collection of dog legs and feet.
Sadly they left, telling no one goodbye.
Pressed Rat wore red jodhpurs - Warthog a striped tie.
Between them, they carried a three-legged sack,
Went straight round the corner and never came back.
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop.
The bad captain madman had told them to stop
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And pressed rat's collection of dog legs and feet.
The bad captain madman had ordered their fate.
He laughed and stomped off with a nautical gate.
The gate turned into a deroga tree
And his pegleg got woodworm and broke into three.
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop,
They didn't want to - 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rat's collection of dog legs and feet.
  "PINK MOON"   

                                    Gran músic malaguanyat ben jove. Delicadesa i suavitat.

Saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink Moon gonna get ye all
And it's a pink moon

Yes, a pink moon
Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon
Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon

I saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get ye all
And it's a pink moon

Yes, a pink moon.