dimecres, 29 d’octubre del 2014


dimecres, 22 d’octubre del 2014


Here we are
Lent to the earth by the stars
But it won't be me
That sets you free
No it won't be me who closes the door on before.

Slivers of light hang in the dark,
Loving hands place the flowers in the vase
But it won't be me
That sets you free
No it won't be me who closes the door on before.

But it won't be me
That sets you free
No it won't be me who closes the door on before.

She said don't look at the new moon through the glass,
Our eyes on the future that will pass
But it won't be me
That sets you free
No it won't be me who closes the door on before.

dimarts, 21 d’octubre del 2014


Well I'll ask the life
Lighter beside me
There's no question why
She's the first, the last and always
With grace she walks
Through my open door
Her perfume reaches
In before her
She brings the sunlight
She makes the world right

And as my love
Slowly undresses
She brings a new need
The need to caress her
Oh and her eyes
They hypnotise me
The feel of her skin
Now there beside me
She brings the sunlight
She makes the world right

And as my heart
Now calm beside hers
The sweat runs dry
Mine and hers always
We'll have a child
To show lifes true meaning
The child runs light
And so forever sees us
She brings the sunlight
she makes the world right


With the grace of a corpse
In a riptide
I let go
And I slide slide slide
With an empty case by my side
An empty case
That’s my crime

And I sing (Say Valley Maker)
To keep from cursing
Yes I sing (Say Valley Maker)
To keep from cursing

River Oh
River End
River Oh
River End
River Go
River Bend

Take me through the sweet valley
Where your heart blooms
Take me through the sweet valley
Where your heart is covered in dew

And when the river dries
Will you bury me in wood
Where the river dries
Will you bury me in stone

Oh I never really realized
Death is what it meant
To make it on my own

Because there is no love
Where there is no obstacle
And there is no love
Where there is no bramble
There is no love
On the hacked away plateau
And there is no love
In the unerring
And there is no love
On the one true path

Oh I cantered out here
Now I’m galloping back

So bury me in wood
And I will splinter
Bury me in stone
And I will quake
Bury me in water
And I will geyser
Bury me in fire
And I’m gonna phoenix

I’m gonna phoenix

diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014


Bob Dylan va crear la banda sonora per al western crepuscular "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" (1973), dirigit per Sam Peckinpah. Aquesta escena, en què sona la mítica "Knocking on heaven's door", és una de es més emotives de la història del cinema, i no hi calen paraules.
A la foto, Slim Pickens, un dels grans actors secundaris de Hollywood.

 Mama, take this badge off of me
I can't use it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

dissabte, 18 d’octubre del 2014


Un día cualquiera no sabes qué hora es,
te acuestas a mi lado sin saber por qué.
Las calles mojadas te han visto crecer
y con tu corazón estás llorando otra vez.
Me asomo a la ventana, eres la chica de ayer
jugando con las flores en mi jardín.
Demasiado tarde para comprender,
chica, vete a tu casa, no podemos jugar.

La luz de la mañana entra en la habitación,
tus cabellos dorados parecen el sol.
Luego por la noche al Penta a escuchar
canciones que consiguen que te pueda amar.

Me asomo a la ventana, eres la chica de ayer.
Demasiado tarde para comprender.
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote.
Mi cabeza da vueltas...

Golden brown texture like sun
Lays me down with my might she runs
Throughout the night
No need to fight
Never a frown with golden brown

Every time just like the last
On her ship tied to the mast
To distant lands
Takes both my hands
Never a frown with golden brown

Golden brown finer temptress
Through the ages she's heading west
From far away
Stays for a day
Never a frown with golden brown

Never a frown
With golden brown
Never a frown
With golden brown


La cançó de Joan Baez sonava a la banda sonora de la magnífica pel·lícula de ciència-ficció i de reinvindicació ecològica "Naus silencioses" (Silent Running, 1972) 

Fields of children running wild
In the sun
Like a forest is your child, growing wild
In the sun
Doomed in his innocence
In the sun

Gather your children to your side
In the sun
Tell them all they love will die
Tell them why
In the Sun

Tell them it's not too late
Cultivate, one by one
Tell them to harvest and rejoice
In the sun

dijous, 9 d’octubre del 2014


Ella em va saludar
enmig de l'estació.
Jo no no en sabia res
però no vaig pujar al vagó.

I el seu llit,
i els seus exmarits,
i la forma com deia que jo no era important,
i les tasses de cafè...
No em va prometre res.

I no no vol saber qui sóc
diu que el millor és està lluny de l'amor.
I després de dir-me això
em fa un petó.

I la i la posta de sol
avui és dels amants.
I agafaré el pròxim tren
i no vindràs
a dir-me perquè te'n vas.

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2014


Gonna lose my way tomorrow,
Gonna give away my car.
I'd take you along with me,
But you would not go so far.
Don't see what I do not want to see,
You don't hear what I don't say.
Won't be what I don't want to be,
I continue in my way.

Don't see, see, see where I'm goin',
Don't see, see, see where I'm goin',
Don't see, see, see where I'm goin' to,
I don't want to.

Everyday I see the mornin' come on in the same old way.
I tell myself tomorrow brings me things I would not dream today.

dimarts, 7 d’octubre del 2014


Meanwhile back in the year One,
When you belonged to no-one,
You didn't stand a chance son,
If your pants were undone.
'Cause you were bred for humanity
And sold to society
One day you'll wake up
In the Present Day
A million generations removed from expectations of 
being who you really want to be.
Skating away, skating away,
Skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.

So as you push off from the shore,
Won't you turn your head once more
And make your peace with everyone?
For those who choose to stay,
Will live just one more day
To do the things they should have done.
And as you cross the wilderness,
Spinning in your emptiness:
You feel you have to pray.
Looking for a sign that the Universal Mind has written 
you into the Passion Play.
Skating away, skating away,
Skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.

divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014


Encara hi ha vials per passejar,
però la mort n'ocupa tots els bancs.
Riuen i juguen a saltar i parar
nens atordits al caire dels barrancs.

He fet l'intent d'estar-me dret al pont
que els barracots separa dels jardins.
Ja del delit de fer de tastavins
sols queda el pler de l'aigua d'una font.

Ara camino pel vell casc urbà
mentre viatgen cap als seus destins
els vells amics, les dones i els bocins
del que era jo, de noi, perdut a l'alzinar.

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2014


Well the eggs chase the bacon
round the fryin' pan
and the whinin' dog pidgeons
by the steeple bell rope
and the dogs tipped the garbage pails
over last night
and there's always construction work
bothering you
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood

Friday's a funeral
and Saturday's a bride
Sey's got a pistol on the register side
and the goddamn delivery trucks
they make too much noise
and we don't get our butter
delivered no more
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood

Well Big Mambo's kicking
his old grey hound
and the kids can't get ice cream
'cause the market burned down
and the newspaper sleeping bags
blow down the lane
and that goddamn flatbed's
got me pinned in again
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood

There's a couple Filipino girls
gigglin' by the church
and the windoe is busted
and the landlord ain't home
and Butch joined the army
yea that's where he's been
and the jackhammer's diggin'
up the sidewalks again
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood
In the neighborhood.