divendres, 31 de juliol del 2020



 ¿A qué tengo miedo? Soy una parte del infinito.
Soy una parte de la gran fuerza del todo,
un mundo solitario dentro de millones de mundos,
una estrella de primera como la que se apaga la última.
¡El triunfo de vivir, el triunfo de respirar, el triunfo de existir!
El triunfo de sentir el tiempo helado correr por las propias venas
y oír el silencioso río de la noche
y estar en la montaña bajo el sol.
Camino en el sol, estoy en el sol,
no sé de nada más que del sol.

Tiempo transformador, tiempo destructor, tiempo hechicero,
¿acaso vienes con intrigas nuevas, miles de trucos para brindarme 
una existencia
de pequeña semilla, serpiente enroscada, roca en mitad del mar?
Tiempo asesino, ¡apártate de mí!
El sol me llena el pecho hasta los bordes con una miel dulce
y dice: todas las estrellas se apagarán algún día, pero lucen 
siempre sin temor.


De todo nuestro mundo bañado de sol
no deseo más que un banco de jardín
con un gato tomando el sol...
Ahí estaría sentada
con una carta sobre el pecho,
una única carta breve.
Así es mi sueño...

dijous, 30 de juliol del 2020



Right away
You look like a good friend
Like someone I knew when
I lived back in Ohio long ago
A fool-filled room
I couldn't make it through
Lost sight of you
As you head for the door
Though I couldn't tell
It seemed just as well
Not to know
I waved goodbye before I tried hello
The gallery felt crowded
I couldn't see the work upon the wall
Your face was all I saw
Your face was all I saw
I wonder if we had (anything at all)
Anything at all (your face was all I saw)
I wonder if we had (anything at all)
Anything at all (your face was all I saw)
I wonder if we had (anything at all)
Anything at all

divendres, 24 de juliol del 2020


Qui dubta d'en Clint Eastwood
Mirant el Gran Canyon del Colorado,
Niguls allargassats i vermellosos
I al cel se penja una estrella i se fa de nit.
I en Clint només il·luminat per sa foganya
S'encen es puret i guarda un secret,
I guisa un conillet a la llauna.
S'adorm, somia trens i mercaderia,
En indis Cheyennes damunt una colina
A sa llum de sa lluna.
Se desvetlla, s'aixeca, orina i no té son,
I pensa... va quedar de western, cabrons,
Ja voreu quan s'inventin es cinema!
És pura peresa i tira per sa carretera cap a Denver.
I un home tot sol no sempre se basta,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.
I un home tot sol se tuda i se cansa,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.
Arriba, dos homes se li atraquen i l'investiguen.
Volen saber on és en Morgan Freeman,
Que és es negre de Million Dollar Baby:
Do you know? Maybe.
Dissimula, se'ls mira,
Desenfunda com un llamp i els liquida.
Escup i se caga en sa seva vida,
Sempre en es punt de mira d'es sèptim de cavalleria,
O de gringos foragidos, o de xèrifs corruptes
A cases de putes, o de xinos drogaditos a Gran Torino.
I Clint, què vols? Encara ets en el segle denou.
Fa un any que no te dutxes,
I això només són quatre casutxes de mort.
I un home tot sol no sempre se basta,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.
I un home tot sol se tuda i se cansa,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.
I un home tot sol s'avesa i se cuida,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.
I un home tot sol sopant a sa cuina,
Qui dubta avui en dia d'en Clint Eastwood.

dijous, 23 de juliol del 2020


Jugues damunt sa tenassa,
Dus un biquini i es teus ullarros a sa cara, verds,
Rínxols negres aguanten aigua salada.
Tubo i lentes, globus terraqüis amb eixos,
Nedes i vides de flors submarines,
Treus es cap i me dius que hi ha molts de peixos.
Jug a matar pensaments inconnexos,
Guspires de Sol a la mar són reflexos.
Surts i t'eixugues: -Què fas?
-Matant helicòpters, avui anam de còctels.
Agafes es cotxe i pilotes,
Goma de rodes a carreteres,
Vas a tota hòstia i no toques voreres,
Ve una corba i no frenes.
Sona a sa ràdio El Cigala,
"Por Dios que bonia es la mañana",
I tot és perfecte, i cantes un tros en directe.
Veig piràmides de sal coniformes.
Tall marès a radial molt enorme.
Veig piràmides de sal coniformes.
Tall marès a radial, llums i ombres.

BLAI BONET (1926-1997) 

Lentes alzines, maternals figueres,
pollancres cristal·lins, dring de font viva,
esclarissades ombres de l'oliva,
armat esvalot mut de romegueres,
el pomerar pintat, fresques pereres,
arrodonida eufòrbia, pleta freda,
amb flors l'albó com d'engruixada seda,
roques llises, capblaus, esparregueres,
pedra amb un liquen, groc com la moneda
del temps que calla entre les caderneres,
blaus, espigats espígols, llentrisqueres
mates enceses, escanya-rossins,
fua aturada dels cabridencs pins
que s'enfilen amb xiulo a les voreres
d'arran de mar, esmusses carritxeres,
escambuixades penyes, vent gregal,
mar:esperit escènic, fonda sal,
roques brescades, conques salineres...
Ran de rel com llengua romanial
pateix flor el romaní de les caeres.

Rollin' through these hills I've known I'd be comin'
Ain't a man alive that likes to be alone?
Been a while since I seen my lady smilin'
Have I been, have I been away so long?
I am tired
I am tired
Can I come home for the summer?
I could slow down for a little while
Get back to loving each other
Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind
Through the years I have learned
Some things worth the tellin'
And you'd be right in guessin'
That each and every lesson they were hard won
I am tired
I am tired
Can I come home for the summer?
I could slow down for a little while
Get back to loving each other
Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind
You'll follow her wherever she goes
You love her and you just wanted to know
That you'll follow her, you'll find a way
Cause you love her and you just wanted to know

dissabte, 18 de juliol del 2020


Dogs are barking, birds are chirping
The only thing better if I was squirting
But there's no one here to love on me today
For the maiden's on holiday
For the maiden's on holiday
I'm a sorry, sorry knight in a horrible castle
Hoping to avoid certain societal hassles
And I know what they say
But I ain't made of clay
For the maiden's on holiday
Yeah, the maiden's on holiday
I ain't nothing but chivalrous
Ain't never been nothing nasty between us
She knows where she stands
On the heart of a broken man
I'm gonna be bad no matter what
So I might as well go on ahead
And act like a butt
Any ol' way, yeah, I'm still gonna pay
For the maiden's on holiday
Yeah, the maiden's on holiday

dimecres, 15 de juliol del 2020


Gold around those fingers shown
Bound for to carry home
Fond of the flattest field
But you know there are bones buried deep down below
Tatted lace frail figure graced
That has since been torn and stained
Tatted lace frail figure graced
That has since been torn and stained
And put, and put so far away, oh, so far away
Novels we don't write
Hearts been lost in flight
Skin in the black of night
Love is a sinking kite
Tatted lace frail figure graced
That has since been torn and stained, oh
Tatted lace frail figure graced
That has since been torn and stained
And put, and put so far away, oh, so far away
Gold around those fingers shown
Bound for to carry home
Suitcase filled with stones
Snow keeps me alone
Suitcase filled with stones
Snow keeps me alone, all alone
All alone, all alone
All alone, all alone, all alone

divendres, 10 de juliol del 2020


I once had a girl
Or should I say she once had me
She showed me her room
Isn't it good Norwegian wood?
She asked me to stay
And she told me to sit anywhere
So I looked around
And I noticed there wasn't a chair
I sat on a rug biding my time
Drinking her wine
We talked until two and then she said
"It's time for bed"
She told me she worked
In the morning and started to laugh
I told her I didn't
And crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke I was alone
This bird had flown
So I lit a fire
Isn't it good Norwegian wood?


When she said, "Don't waste your words, they're just lies"
I cried she was deaf
And she worked on my face until breaking my eyes
And saying "What else you got left?"
It was then that I got up to leave
But she said, "Don't forget
Everybody must give something back
For something they get"
I stood there and hummed, I tapped on her drum
I asked her how come
And she buttoned her boot, and straightened her suit
And she said, "Don't be cute"
So I forced my hands in my pockets
And felt with my thumbs
And gallantly handed her my very last piece of gum
She threw me outside, I stood in the dirt
Where everyone walked
And, when finding out I'd forgotten my shirt
I went back and knocked
I waited in the hallway, she went to get it
And I tried to make sense
Out of that picture of you in your wheelchair
That leaned up against
Her Jamaican rum, and when she did come
I asked her for some
She said, "No, dear", I said, "Your words are not clear
You'd better spit out your gum"
She screamed till her face got so red
Then she fell on the floor
And, I covered her up and then went and looked through her drawer
And when I was through, I filled up my shoe
And brought it to you
And you, you took me in, you loved me then
You never wasted time
And I, I never took much, I never asked for your crutch
Now don't ask for mine

diumenge, 5 de juliol del 2020


The air is getting hotter
There's a rumbling in the skies
I've been wading through the high muddy water
With the heat rising in my eyes
Every day your memory grows dimmer
It doesn't haunt me like it did before
I've been walking through the middle of nowhere
Trying to get to heaven before they close the door
When I was in Missouri
They would not let me be
I had to leave there in a hurry
I only saw what they let me see
You broke a heart that loved you
Now you can seal up the book and not write anymore
I've been walking that lonesome valley
Trying to get to heaven before they close the door
People on the platforms
Waiting for the trains
I can hear their hearts a-beatin'
Like pendulums swinging on chains
When you think that you lost everything
You find out you can always lose a little more
I'm just going down the road feeling bad
Trying to get to heaven before they close the door
I'm going down the river
Down to New Orleans
They tell me everything is gonna be all right
But I don't know what "all right" even means
I was riding in a buggy with Miss Mary-Jane
Miss Mary-Jane got a house in Baltimore
I been all around the world, boys
Now I'm trying to get to heaven before they close the door
Gonna sleep down in the parlor
And relive my dreams
I'll close my eyes and I wonder
If everything is as hollow as it seems
Some trains don't pull no gamblers
No midnight ramblers, like they did before
I been to Sugar Town, I shook the sugar down
Now I'm trying to get to heaven before they close the door

dissabte, 4 de juliol del 2020


 Fallow casts and one's bone your bread
But when the night comes
Light of match
Will catch lay low leave
Or sing so long

Window spreads like cornfields in fall
She come by call
She leave no trace
She don't leave at all
Like cornfields in fall

So long finger new family
Would you lay with me?
And heard of a singer who wore ringlet hair
Won't you sing for me?
And so long snake'll stay low
And so long snake you stay low
So long snake you'll stay low
So long snake you stay low

I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.

The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow—
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,
And he sometimes gets so little that there's none of him at all.

He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play,
And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.
He stays so close beside me, he's a coward you can see;
I'd think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!

One morning, very early, before the sun was up,
I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head,
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.


My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky;
It’s time to take the window to see Leerie going by;
For every night at teatime and before you take your seat,
With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street.
Now Tom would be a driver and Maria go to sea,
And my papa’s a banker and as rich as he can be;
But I, when I am stronger and can choose what I’m to do,
Oh Leerie, I’ll go round at night and light the lamps with you!
For we are very lucky, with a lamp before the door,
And Leerie stops to light it as he lights so many more;
And O! before you hurry by with ladder and with light,
O Leerie, see a little child and nod to him tonight!


I've been a bad girl
I ain't playin' fair
I want you to be free
But I don't wanna share
No I don't wanna let ya go
But it's about time I do
I can't blame ya anymore
And I still love you
Wah wah wah-wah wah wah wah-wah wah
Wah wah wah-wah wah wah wah-wah wah
I know it ain't easy
Being left on your own
Why did you leave me
Well I don't really know
And why wait another day
When a day won't change a thing
Please don't ever let me say
That again
Wah wah wah-wah wah wah wah-wah wah
Wah wah wah-wah wah wah wah-wah wah
Mama I ain't waiting
I ain't waiting
But I'm still holding on

I'm gonna die of loneliness, I know
I'm gonna die of loneliness, for sure
I'm gonna die of loneliness, I know
I'm gonna die of loneliness, for sure
My dearest friend, you'll soon begin to love again, to love again.


I remember a far away laugh a sweet caress you'd help me zip up my dress.
And I remember your arms wrapped around my neck twenty one shells wrapped in a nest.
Endlessness. Didn't last.
I won't change given the chance.
I remember no place for me to hide. Before you came home at night.
And I remember you turnin' out the lights all i ever saw was the red in your eyes.
No big surprise. Happened nearly every night your own flesh & blood.
I did wonder why.
I remember not knowing what to say & how calm you had remained your child still born with no name.
I remember the never ending summer rain.
Please don't let what was get in the way of whats next.
Don't forget that whats to come hasn't come yet.


I'm high and I'm happy and I'm free
I got my whole heart
Laid out right in front of me
And I finally can see
The way it's always been
The need for peace
Starts from within
So I leave my possessions to the wind
And I'm done with ever wanting anything
Well I can die satisfied
No desires do I hide
Not today, not today
Nor for the next one thousand lives
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
A little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
Well I'm scared of ever being born again
If it's in this form again
Well I wanna know how why where and when and then
I wanna see you be the bright night sky
I wanna see you come back as the light
I wanna see you be the bright night sky
I wanna see you come back as the light

divendres, 3 de juliol del 2020


("Sinner Man", Leon Bibb)

dimecres, 1 de juliol del 2020

Callem, callem…assaborim la fràgil durada d'un instant fascinant que mai no reviurem.

Joana Raspall (1913-2013)