diumenge, 24 d’agost del 2014
Una vegada encara, anit, torn a pensar
que si no t’haguessis mort com et morires,
jo, a l’estiu, t’hauria recollit
molts feixos de llenya seca per cremar
a l’hivern a la foganya i perquè tu
poguessis adormir-te vora la flama. Aleshores,
els teus somnis haurien fuit per camins de tendresa
i s’haurien omplert de petites illes de felicitat,
petites illes contra la meva trista adolescència.
Per Santa Margarida hauríem anat a la fira del poble
i després hauríem anat a veure el mar.
Quan la vellesa t’hagués acalat
jo mateix t’hauria fet un gaiato d’ullastre
i els verderols haurien xiulat enmig de les roselles.
Jo hauria duit uns calçons apedaçats i descolorits
i un capell de palla m’hauria tapat un poc els ulls.
Quan les figueres que estan devora el camí
haguessin començat a deixar caure les fulles,
jo mateix hauria preparat un poc de terra per tapar-nos
a tots dos, si no te n’haguessis anat fent aquella rialla de morta.
dissabte, 23 d’agost del 2014
Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port
Marie's gone blonde and lost a stone
She lay on her lawn, spun and alone
And, when the morning sun it rose
Upon Marie in her lacy clothes
It lit her up, and she walked around
The winding streets of Camden Town
She don't know who she wants to be
And if I knew, I'd tell Marie
Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port
Cindy tells me she's had fun
Sitting backstage, someone's plus one
Up in her room the records spin
Needle in the grooves that she's worn thin
She lifts a sleeve and she sees a name
And she's got a smile on her face
And she's got a story you can't see
It's just between that name and Cindy
And before Holly made her way
Over the sea and far away
She's telling me, inside her car
Driving us back from the Crystal Corner bar
"I lost it there, I fell from health
Cut some fresh pieces from myself."
And then, for a second, something in me
Said, "Leave today. It's time, Holly."
Well, I'm a weak and lonely sort
Though I'm not sailing just for sport
I've come to feel, out on the sea
These urgent lives press against me
I'm just a guest. I'm not a part
With my tender head, with my easy heart
These several years out on the sea
Have made me empty, cold, and clear. Pour yourself into me
Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port.
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port
Marie's gone blonde and lost a stone
She lay on her lawn, spun and alone
And, when the morning sun it rose
Upon Marie in her lacy clothes
It lit her up, and she walked around
The winding streets of Camden Town
She don't know who she wants to be
And if I knew, I'd tell Marie
Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port
Cindy tells me she's had fun
Sitting backstage, someone's plus one
Up in her room the records spin
Needle in the grooves that she's worn thin
She lifts a sleeve and she sees a name
And she's got a smile on her face
And she's got a story you can't see
It's just between that name and Cindy
And before Holly made her way
Over the sea and far away
She's telling me, inside her car
Driving us back from the Crystal Corner bar
"I lost it there, I fell from health
Cut some fresh pieces from myself."
And then, for a second, something in me
Said, "Leave today. It's time, Holly."
Well, I'm a weak and lonely sort
Though I'm not sailing just for sport
I've come to feel, out on the sea
These urgent lives press against me
I'm just a guest. I'm not a part
With my tender head, with my easy heart
These several years out on the sea
Have made me empty, cold, and clear. Pour yourself into me
Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes, let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt a girl in port.
You can only talk so much about things
That are never, ever going to happen.
My brother's at home with his dog and his cat
And his wife is at a friend's.
You can only go on so long about feelings
That never, ever actually touch you.
No matter how much she told him "I love you,"
He found it would depend
on the gifts that he bought her,
Or how badly she was hurt
When the boss was cruel at work.
But he'd just say
"I love you,"
And he'd reach out to her.
He was feeling like shit when I came to visit
And walked through the door of his tiny apartment.
We went for a walk through the park by the market
So we could get some air.
And I told to him all things intended to help him,
Especially that, simply because it was ending,
That that didn't mean she was always pretending.
Real happiness was there.
I could see and I could tell:
It was real love that they felt.
And I'm sorry it didn't end well,
But some things
They just don't - that's life,
And you shouldn't blame yourself.
And all of these things, well, I truly believe them.
Our paths and our futures are hidden in mists
That are stretching out over impossible distances,
Totally obscured.
And I really do think that there's probably more good
Than anger or selfishness, sickness, or sadness
Would ever completely allow us to have in this life,
I think I'm sure.
But that doesn't mean it's bad.
We were walking towards our dad,
While getting out of that school bus,
And he just said
"I love you,"
And he reached out to us.
That are never, ever going to happen.
My brother's at home with his dog and his cat
And his wife is at a friend's.
You can only go on so long about feelings
That never, ever actually touch you.
No matter how much she told him "I love you,"
He found it would depend
on the gifts that he bought her,
Or how badly she was hurt
When the boss was cruel at work.
But he'd just say
"I love you,"
And he'd reach out to her.
He was feeling like shit when I came to visit
And walked through the door of his tiny apartment.
We went for a walk through the park by the market
So we could get some air.
And I told to him all things intended to help him,
Especially that, simply because it was ending,
That that didn't mean she was always pretending.
Real happiness was there.
I could see and I could tell:
It was real love that they felt.
And I'm sorry it didn't end well,
But some things
They just don't - that's life,
And you shouldn't blame yourself.
And all of these things, well, I truly believe them.
Our paths and our futures are hidden in mists
That are stretching out over impossible distances,
Totally obscured.
And I really do think that there's probably more good
Than anger or selfishness, sickness, or sadness
Would ever completely allow us to have in this life,
I think I'm sure.
But that doesn't mean it's bad.
We were walking towards our dad,
While getting out of that school bus,
And he just said
"I love you,"
And he reached out to us.
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