dissabte, 27 d’octubre del 2018


I met her in a club down in North Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola
C-O-L-A cola

She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her name and in a dark brown voice she said, "Lola"
L-O-L-A Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Well, I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Well, I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walk like a woman and talk like a man
Oh my Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Well, we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said, "Little boy won't you come home with me?"

Well, I'm not the world's most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes
Well, I almost fell for my Lola
Lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Lola lo lo lo lo Lola lo lo lo lo Lola

I pushed her away, I walked to the door
I fell to the floor, I got down on my knees
I looked at her, and she at me

Well that's the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
Lo lo lo lo Lola

Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world
Except for Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Well I left home just a week before
And I've never ever kissed a woman before
But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said, "Little boy, gonna make you a man"

Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
Lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola...

dissabte, 20 d’octubre del 2018


We are vague and full of pathos
Dead men's words tower above us
Are we capable of original thought

The damp is growing
I would say it is flowing
It has become a river

My kitchen is in decline
The spores the mould the slime
It has become a river

We are vague and full of pathos
Old leather hands betray us
Our cracked tongues
Poke out of beard

The grey statues do not sing
Grey statues do not dance
And I am neither grey
Nor made of stone

I am near middle age
And I never felt so alone
But I think I feel safe
In my home

I think I feel safe in my home

We speak only in humour
It's a linguist kind of tumour
We know what it signifies
Know what it signifies

I am near middle age
And I never felt so alone
But I think I feel safe in my home

I think I feel safe in my home

dijous, 18 d’octubre del 2018


Riddled with ticks, and squinting to see
We shook ourselves
We shook ourselves, we shook ourselves free
And whipped by the wind
Sand-stung and scree
We headed for, we made our way, we rolled into the sea
I know what is true
I know what is truth
I know what is truth, what is truth, what is truth
And I will fight you, I will fight you
Will fight you, will fight you, will fight you
Will lose
Then patches of heat in between the breeze
We dried ourselves, we dressed ourselves
We set ourselves free
And honest and true
His beauty was you
Will blame me, as I will blame you
And I will fight you, I will fight you
Will fight you, will fight you, will fight
You will lose
Riddled with ticks, and squinting to see
We shook ourselves
We shook ourselves, we shook ourselves free

dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2018


Time was, time was, empty, no teeth
Mouth was thirsty, swallowed, breathing
Carried to me, deeply drinking
We word, word we, to seek, to see
Time was, time was, knowing, leaving
Empty-hearted, leaning, slanted
Autumn, tumble, compost, leave much
Holding, hoping, calling, going
Time was, time was, growing
Time was, climbing, all fours, all fours
Time was all ours, for hours and hours
Daylight creeping, away, leaving, leaving
Time was, time was, empty, no teeth
Time was, time was, empty, no teeth

dimecres, 10 d’octubre del 2018

No deixo de pensar en tu. Ni un instant.
Mai no m'hauria imaginat que faria tant de mal, que seria tan dolorós, no estar al teu costat.
Quantes vegades et miro en el vídeo, única prova que tinc que va ser real.
Unes hores que no oblidaré mai.
Unes carícies al cabell, a la galta, a les teves precioses mans.
Revivint amb els ulls closos aquells meravellosos moments.
Uns petons fugaços.
Unes llàgrimes de joia i tristor alhora.
Et vull i et necessito.
I et vull donar el millor de mi. 
Escolta el teu cor. No tinguis por.
Obri la porta, senyoreta B.... 


(Enjoyed with Martha at the Cuiken Inn one glorious afternoon, never to be forgotten). 
Guitar and bass should by no means be confused from now on...

I know it's out of fashion
And a trifle uncool
But I can't help it
I'm a romantic fool
It's a habit of mine
To watch the sun go down
On Echo beach, I watch the sun go down
From nine till five I have to spend my time at work
The job is very boring, I'm an office clerk
The only thing that helps pass the time away
Is knowing I'll be back at Echo Beach some day
On a silent summer evening
The sky's alive with light
Building in the distance
Surrealistic sight
On Echo Beach
Waves make the only sound
On Echo Beach
There's not a soul around
From nine till five I have to spend my time at work
The job is very boring, I'm an office clerk
The only thing that helps pass the time away
Is knowing I'll be back at Echo Beach some day
Echo Beach
Far away in time
Echo Beach
Far away in time

The horizon pales
when she hits the ground
sirens and scaffolds
all coming down
under the weight of heaven
if only devotion
could rise on a word
then you could stumble
never be hurt
you could let go
Breaking your fall
Breaking your fall
The pilots of pleasure
your weatherman
never could push you
far as I can
they just let you fall
while buildings and bridges
just crash and burn
it's only a cloudbank
bursting in turn
they were made to come down
Breaking your fall
Breaking your fall
Fault lines and failures
angels and all
follow her footholds
breaking her fall
it's alchemical