diumenge, 31 de maig del 2020
dijous, 28 de maig del 2020
Keren savorale drom, te khelel o puro rom,
O puro rom te khella amari voja kerla.
O puro rom te khella amari voja kerla.
Duj duj desuduj, csumidavme lako muj,
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
O temerav, tena csacsipo phenav,
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Keren savorale drom, te khelel o puro rom,
O puro rom te khella amari voja kerla.
O puro rom te khella amari voja kerla.
Duj duj desuduj, csumidavme lako muj,
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
O temerav, tena csacsipo phenav,
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Lako muj szi rupuno, taj o savo szomnakuno.
Com recullen l´arròs amb guants desinfectats
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i emboliquen les taronges amb paper d´estany
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
el suc de taronja surt blanc i l´arròs es torna groc
taronges i arròs son per dinar
i s´han fet una barraqueta sota un pi
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i tindran nens i nenes sense moures mai del llit
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
taronges i mandarines son quatre ulls enamorats
taronges i mandarines ,i l´arròs,i l´arros.....
.....s´ha covat
i naveguen per les aigües dolces d´un riu sec
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i fins l´aire que respiren te el mateix gust de la mel
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
el suc de taronja surt blanc i l´arròs es torna groc
taronges i arròs ,ja en tenen prou
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i emboliquen les taronges amb paper d´estany
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
el suc de taronja surt blanc i l´arròs es torna groc
taronges i arròs son per dinar
i s´han fet una barraqueta sota un pi
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i tindran nens i nenes sense moures mai del llit
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
taronges i mandarines son quatre ulls enamorats
taronges i mandarines ,i l´arròs,i l´arros.....
.....s´ha covat
i naveguen per les aigües dolces d´un riu sec
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
i fins l´aire que respiren te el mateix gust de la mel
els amants del suc de taronja,el suc de taronja i de l´arròs
el suc de taronja surt blanc i l´arròs es torna groc
taronges i arròs ,ja en tenen prou
Homes i dones i nens del cap dret
Correu, correu, que el temps pot no ser etern
Per entre núvols i molins de vent
S'obren les portes d'aquest cabaret.
Ballets i orquestres, clowns i jocs de mans
Són el repòs del viatger cansat
El Capità Cisterna omple l'espai
D'espills opacs i sers imaginats.
Sàvia i antiga l'estanquera ens diu:
"No tingueu por dels morts, cal témer els vius"
Bufa simun! Desseca llacs i rius
Apaga el foc sagrat, pluja d'estiu.
Dues germanes contrabandistes són
Amples vestits, cabells llargs i cançons
Sota els vestits el mestre caçador
Riu i el seu riure espanta les tristors.
El posadiscos neda en moscatell
El maître dorm dessota el taulell
Miss Univers predica als quatre vents:
"Deixa-hi a fora la noció del temps".
El foc primer brolla d'un barret blanc
Sorres i cels formen els decorats
Estrelles orfes, bruixes i cavalls
Màscares negres obriran el ball.
Barres i estrelles, símbols del passat
Falç i martells en el mateix mirall
Déus i Senyors i exèrcits condemnats
El somni és vida al cabaret somniat.
Monjos borratxos i alquimistes folls
Fan boires baixes, flamarades d'or
Ses suaus carícies m'han buidat el cor
Del sentiment inhòspit de l'enyor.
El cabaret galàctic ja és obert
Els paralítics hi aprendran claqué
La masovera enganya els innocents
Cambrers romàntics cremen els diners
dimecres, 27 de maig del 2020
dimarts, 26 de maig del 2020
Alguna cosa ha entrat
dins algun vers que sé
que podré escriure, i no
sé quan, ni com, ni què
s’avindra a dir. Si puc
te’l duré cap a tu.
Que digui els teus cabells
o l’escalta del sol
que et vibra en aquesta ungla.
Però potser no sempre
tindré del tot present
el que ara veig en tu
He sentit el so fosc
d’una cosa que em cau
dins algun pou. Quand suri,
he de saber conèixer
que ve d’aquest moment?
dins algun vers que sé
que podré escriure, i no
sé quan, ni com, ni què
s’avindra a dir. Si puc
te’l duré cap a tu.
Que digui els teus cabells
o l’escalta del sol
que et vibra en aquesta ungla.
Però potser no sempre
tindré del tot present
el que ara veig en tu
He sentit el so fosc
d’una cosa que em cau
dins algun pou. Quand suri,
he de saber conèixer
que ve d’aquest moment?
dissabte, 23 de maig del 2020
She was a catch
We were a match
I was the match that would fire up her snatch
There was a catch
I was no match
I was fired from her crotch
I sit around and watch
The mermaids sun themselves out on the rocks
They are beyond our touch
I watch and watch
Wave at me
They wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea
We were a match
I was the match that would fire up her snatch
There was a catch
I was no match
I was fired from her crotch
I sit around and watch
The mermaids sun themselves out on the rocks
They are beyond our touch
I watch and watch
Wave at me
They wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
I believe in God
I believe in mermaids too
I believe in 72 virgins on a chain (why not, why not)
I believe in the Rapture
For I've seen your face
On the floor of the ocean
At the bottom of the rain
I do driver alertness course
I do husband alertness course
I do mermaid alertness course
Watch them out on the rocks
Wave at me
They wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea
I believe in mermaids too
I believe in 72 virgins on a chain (why not, why not)
I believe in the Rapture
For I've seen your face
On the floor of the ocean
At the bottom of the rain
I do driver alertness course
I do husband alertness course
I do mermaid alertness course
Watch them out on the rocks
Wave at me
They wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
And all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea
The wintergreen, the juniper
The cornflower and the chicory
Well all of the words you said to me
Are still vibrating in the air
The elm, the ash and the linden tree
The dark and deep, enchanted sea
The trembling moon and the stars unfurled
Well there she goes, my beautiful world
The cornflower and the chicory
Well all of the words you said to me
Are still vibrating in the air
The elm, the ash and the linden tree
The dark and deep, enchanted sea
The trembling moon and the stars unfurled
Well there she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
John Wilmot penned his poetry
Riddled with the pox
And Nabokov wrote on index cards
At a lectern, in his socks
St. John of the Cross he did his best stuff
Imprisoned in a box
And Johnny Thunders was half alive
When he wrote Chinese Rocks
Riddled with the pox
And Nabokov wrote on index cards
At a lectern, in his socks
St. John of the Cross he did his best stuff
Imprisoned in a box
And Johnny Thunders was half alive
When he wrote Chinese Rocks
Well, me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears
Me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears
Me, I'm lying here, for what seems years
I'm just lying on my bed with nothing in my head
Me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears
Me, I'm lying here, for what seems years
I'm just lying on my bed with nothing in my head
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
Karl Marx squeezed his carbuncles
While writing Das Kapital
And Gauguin, he buggered off, man
And went all tropical
And Philip Larkin, he stuck it out
In a library in Hull
And Dylan Thomas, he died drunk in
St. Vincent's hospital
While writing Das Kapital
And Gauguin, he buggered off, man
And went all tropical
And Philip Larkin, he stuck it out
In a library in Hull
And Dylan Thomas, he died drunk in
St. Vincent's hospital
I will lie at your feet
I will kneel at your door
I will rock you to sleep
I will roll on the floor
And I'll ask for nothing
Nothing in this life
I'll will ask for nothing
Give me everlasting life
I will kneel at your door
I will rock you to sleep
I will roll on the floor
And I'll ask for nothing
Nothing in this life
I'll will ask for nothing
Give me everlasting life
I just want to move the world
I just want to move the world
I just want to move the world
I just want to move
I just want to move the world
I just want to move the world
I just want to move
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
So if you got a trumpet, get on your feet
Brother, and blow it
If you've got a field, that don't yield
Well get up now and hoe it
I look at you and you look at me and
Deep in our hearts babe we know it
That you weren't much of a muse
But then I weren't much of a poet
Brother, and blow it
If you've got a field, that don't yield
Well get up now and hoe it
I look at you and you look at me and
Deep in our hearts babe we know it
That you weren't much of a muse
But then I weren't much of a poet
I will be your slave
I will peel you grapes
Up on your pedestal with your ivory and apes
With your book of ideas with your alchemy
O come on send that stuff on down to me
I will peel you grapes
Up on your pedestal with your ivory and apes
With your book of ideas with your alchemy
O come on send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send it all around
Send it all around the world
'Cause here she comes, my beautiful girl
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send that stuff on down to me
Send it all around
Send it all around the world
'Cause here she comes, my beautiful girl
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes, my beautiful world
There she goes again
divendres, 22 de maig del 2020
Sí, recorda't del teu creador
abans que no es desfaci el fil de plata
i el llantió d'or no s'esberli,
abans que no s'esmicoli la gerra a la font
i la corriola del pou no es trenqui,
abans que la pols no torni a la terra,
al lloc on era,
i l'alè de vida no retorni a Déu
(Eclesiastès, 2.6-7)
abans que no es desfaci el fil de plata
i el llantió d'or no s'esberli,
abans que no s'esmicoli la gerra a la font
i la corriola del pou no es trenqui,
abans que la pols no torni a la terra,
al lloc on era,
i l'alè de vida no retorni a Déu
(Eclesiastès, 2.6-7)
Tanca els llavis del dia
i estimba la mirada
contra el cel sense límits,
poblat d'astres distants
que la nit desamaga.
T'hi reconeixes ínfim,
un bri exigu de vida
que segueix el seu curs,
gairebé imperceptible,
en l'immens escenari
que un Déu ha construït
perquè hi transcorri el temps.
Digues el nom del vent
que l'univers escampa,
cerca arreu del silenci
l'alè del Déu que et pensa.
Invoca el Déu ocult
que et dibuixa les hores,
un Déu íntim i exacte
que no has sabut comprendre.
Parla-li del teu somni,
d'aquells qui t'engendraren,
de la dona que et cal,
del teus fills que s'espiguen,
del tast de les paraules,
de l'escorça dels cossos,
del tacte blau del Sol,
del lent esclat del mar.
I no demanis res
i assaboreix l'albada,
com desa les estrelles
rere un llençol de llum.
(Del llibre Cohèlet. Barcelona: Columna, 1996)
dijous, 21 de maig del 2020
Sunday morning, skeleton tree
Oh, nothing is for free
In the window, a candle
Well, maybe you can see
Fallen leaves thrown across the sky
A jittery TV
Glowing white like fire
Nothing is for free
Oh, nothing is for free
In the window, a candle
Well, maybe you can see
Fallen leaves thrown across the sky
A jittery TV
Glowing white like fire
Nothing is for free
I called out, I called out
Right across the sea
But the echo comes back empty
And nothing is for free
Right across the sea
But the echo comes back empty
And nothing is for free
Sunday morning, skeleton tree
Pressed against the sky
The jittery TV
Glowing white like fire
Pressed against the sky
The jittery TV
Glowing white like fire
And I called out, I called out
Right across the sea
I called out, I called out
That nothing is for free
Right across the sea
I called out, I called out
That nothing is for free
And it's alright now
And it's alright now
And it's alright now
And it's alright now
And it's alright now
Come over here, babe
It ain't that bad
I don't claim to understand
The troubles that you've had
But the dogs you say they fed you to
Lay their muzzles in your lap
And the lions that they led you to
Lie down and take a nap
The ones you fear are wind and air
And I love you without measure
It seems we can be happy now
Be it better late than never
It ain't that bad
I don't claim to understand
The troubles that you've had
But the dogs you say they fed you to
Lay their muzzles in your lap
And the lions that they led you to
Lie down and take a nap
The ones you fear are wind and air
And I love you without measure
It seems we can be happy now
Be it better late than never
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come to me
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come to me
The burdens that you carry now
Well they're not of your creation
So let's not weep for their evil deeds
But their lack of imagination
Today's the time for courage, babe
Tomorrow can be for forgiving
And if he touches you again with his stupid hands
His life won't be worth living
Well they're not of your creation
So let's not weep for their evil deeds
But their lack of imagination
Today's the time for courage, babe
Tomorrow can be for forgiving
And if he touches you again with his stupid hands
His life won't be worth living
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come to me
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come
Sweetheart, come to me
Walk with me now under the stars
For it's a clear and easy pleasure
And be happy in my company
For I love you without measure
Walk with me now under the stars
It's a safe and easy pleasure
It seems we can be happy now
It's late but it ain't never
It's late but it ain't never
It's late but it ain't never
For it's a clear and easy pleasure
And be happy in my company
For I love you without measure
Walk with me now under the stars
It's a safe and easy pleasure
It seems we can be happy now
It's late but it ain't never
It's late but it ain't never
It's late but it ain't never
dimarts, 19 de maig del 2020
Si encara et tingués al costat
Als teus braços jo m'adormiria,
Per somiar noves cançons i poemes bells.
Als teus braços jo m'adormiria,
Per somiar noves cançons i poemes bells.
Si encara et tingués al costat,
Com infants tu i jo ens escaparíem,
I voltaríem masos, pobles, boscos i sembrats.
Com infants tu i jo ens escaparíem,
I voltaríem masos, pobles, boscos i sembrats.
I tornaríem a ser eterns,
Com eterns semblaven aquells dies.
Quan passa el temps només resulta eterna la tristor...
Com eterns semblaven aquells dies.
Quan passa el temps només resulta eterna la tristor...
Recordes? Ei ei ei, les tardes de vent
Ei ei ei, i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i si tu m'estimes.
Ei ei ei si t'estimo jo.
Ei ei ei, i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i si tu m'estimes.
Ei ei ei si t'estimo jo.
Ei ei ei i la pluja fina
Ei ei ei i el trons de l'estiu.
Ei ei ei i el trons de l'estiu.
Si encara et tingués al costat,
Totes les fonts del terme sabríem,
Perquè l'amor fa venir set de la de veritat.
Totes les fonts del terme sabríem,
Perquè l'amor fa venir set de la de veritat.
I robar fruita pels horts
I beure el vi de la sagristia,
I celebrar tots els solsticis com a bons pagans.
I beure el vi de la sagristia,
I celebrar tots els solsticis com a bons pagans.
Si encara et tingués al costat,
Als teus braços jo m'adormiria,
Per somiar noves cançons i poemes bells.
Als teus braços jo m'adormiria,
Per somiar noves cançons i poemes bells.
Recordes? Ei ei ei les tardes de vent
Ei ei ei i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i la pluja fina
Ei ei ei i els trons de l'estiu.
Ei ei ei i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i la pluja fina
Ei ei ei i els trons de l'estiu.
Ei ei ei les tardes de vent
Ei ei ei i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i si tu m'estimes
Ei ei ei si t'estimo jo
Ei ei ei i estampes de sants.
Ei ei ei i si tu m'estimes
Ei ei ei si t'estimo jo
dilluns, 18 de maig del 2020
En llevar-me cada dia
Tinc un minut de desconcert;
Qui sóc? Què faig? ...i què tinc?
Faig inventari i ho veig:
Tinc un minut de desconcert;
Qui sóc? Què faig? ...i què tinc?
Faig inventari i ho veig:
Tinc vida;
Arregladeta i feta a mida,
Circumstancial i eixerida;
Deixondida sota la pluja i el sol.
Bogeria desvergonyida,
Provisional però escotorida;
No ens siguis cruel ni ensopida, no.
Arregladeta i feta a mida,
Circumstancial i eixerida;
Deixondida sota la pluja i el sol.
Bogeria desvergonyida,
Provisional però escotorida;
No ens siguis cruel ni ensopida, no.
Causes perdudes,
Ja podeu comptar amb mi
Per posar en qüestió tot el que sembla bo.
Dones barbudes,
Homes pelats, vestals mamelludes;
No els demanis pas què fan, fan la viu-viu.
Ja podeu comptar amb mi
Per posar en qüestió tot el que sembla bo.
Dones barbudes,
Homes pelats, vestals mamelludes;
No els demanis pas què fan, fan la viu-viu.
Tot el que dic són mentides,
Tot el que dic són veritats;
Al final són les mateixes parides
Les dels herois i els covards.
Tot el que dic són veritats;
Al final són les mateixes parides
Les dels herois i els covards.
De tots colors, de totes mides,
Feta de temps i d'autopistes
Que porten als lloc més sinistres del món.
He fet un baixon però tinc vida,
Provisional però escotorida;
No em siguis cruel ni ensopida, no.
De tots colors, de totes mides,
Feta de temps i d'autopistes
Que porten als lloc més sinistres del món.
He fet un baixon però tinc vida,
Provisional però escotorida;
No em siguis cruel ni ensopida, no.
Plaça de la Independència;
No sé a quina independència es refereix.
Palplantat a la memòria,
Habillat amb una corona d'enyor.
No sé a quina independència es refereix.
Palplantat a la memòria,
Habillat amb una corona d'enyor.
Carquinyolis futuristes
A la llum crepuscular;
Mai no oblido els noms de pila
Dels mossens que em van hostiar.
M'és igual.
A la llum crepuscular;
Mai no oblido els noms de pila
Dels mossens que em van hostiar.
M'és igual.
Diu que ha mort un flabiolaire,
S'ha empassat el flabiol de l'emoció
I abatuts, hi ha dos dansaires
Que esperen que algú reprengui la cançó.
S'ha empassat el flabiol de l'emoció
I abatuts, hi ha dos dansaires
Que esperen que algú reprengui la cançó.
Vaig buscant una drecera,
Vaig buscant un sistema d'ordenació;
I els records i els fonemes s'apilonen,
Canta l'avi, vora el foc des de l'escon.
Vaig buscant un sistema d'ordenació;
I els records i els fonemes s'apilonen,
Canta l'avi, vora el foc des de l'escon.
Nyigo, nyigo, nyigo,
Calces de paper;
La tomata verda
I el pebrot vermell.
Calces de paper;
La tomata verda
I el pebrot vermell.
Al carrer Nou hi ha un beneitó que canta i balla sol,
Bacallaneries i cistells;
Savis amb boina, barberies, cigronaires.
Al carrer Nou bull el comerç.
Bacallaneries i cistells;
Savis amb boina, barberies, cigronaires.
Al carrer Nou bull el comerç.
Noms de pila d'aquells temps d'abans;
Noies boniques, vols d'ocells;
Hi ha bicicletes amb un cistellet
I una capella sense sant.
Noies boniques, vols d'ocells;
Hi ha bicicletes amb un cistellet
I una capella sense sant.
El carrer Nou, és curiós, però de nou no en té res;
Un carrer vell fet de refranys.
Un carrer vell fet de refranys.
Més dies que llonganisses;
Qui dia passa, any empeny;
No es pot dir blat, que no sigui al sac i ben lligat;
Bon vent i barca nova;
Figues d'altre paner;
Déu vos guardi de mal;
I un bon cel quan sigui l'hora.
Qui dia passa, any empeny;
No es pot dir blat, que no sigui al sac i ben lligat;
Bon vent i barca nova;
Figues d'altre paner;
Déu vos guardi de mal;
I un bon cel quan sigui l'hora.
I el beneitó sota la pluja
S'ha fet vell comptant camions;
Els bancs ara són mobiliari urbà
I els gronxadors, equipaments.
Tocs de campanes,
Repics inútils d'altres temps;
I el beneitó content amb un barret,
Al carrer Nou es fot de fred.
S'ha fet vell comptant camions;
Els bancs ara són mobiliari urbà
I els gronxadors, equipaments.
Tocs de campanes,
Repics inútils d'altres temps;
I el beneitó content amb un barret,
Al carrer Nou es fot de fred.
Vida interior d'un lluç, miracle de miracles;
Capbussat evitant palangres d'il·lusió.
Aquest és el seu món, aquest és el seu karma;
Les pagellides encara ho tenen pitjor,
Neixen i moren aferrades al seu roc.
Capbussat evitant palangres d'il·lusió.
Aquest és el seu món, aquest és el seu karma;
Les pagellides encara ho tenen pitjor,
Neixen i moren aferrades al seu roc.
Badocs iridescents, hi ha peixos sota l'aigua
Que són com internautes buscant no sé què;
Confessen i combreguen plàncton de penombra;
No riuen ni ploren, no fan res.
Que són com internautes buscant no sé què;
Confessen i combreguen plàncton de penombra;
No riuen ni ploren, no fan res.
Des d'un cafè del port jo admiro les senyores,
Comprenc que deu semblar-vos un passatemps obtús;
No sóc artista plàstic, ni tan sols turista;
De tant en tant vesso una llàgrima de lluç.
Comprenc que deu semblar-vos un passatemps obtús;
No sóc artista plàstic, ni tan sols turista;
De tant en tant vesso una llàgrima de lluç.
divendres, 15 de maig del 2020
Uh huh,
Hey yeah, yeah yeah...
Like medicine baby
You're good for me
Like honey, darlin' girl
I know you're sweet to me
Each passing day,
Brings us much closer together
And the love you bring me darlin'
Just gets better and better
That's why my love for you
Keeps on growin'
More and more
All the time
More and more
All the time, yeah!
Uh huh,
Gonna say it again, now now now
Like a ship that's driftin' baby
You're apart from me
Like old man time
You controll my destiny
If from my life, you ever tried to go
It would destroy in a second
What took a lifetime to mold
That's why my love for you
Just keeps on growin'
More and more
All the time
More and more
All the time
Uh huhhhh
Let me hear ya!
As sure as a sunrise
I'll stand by your side
As sure as the daybreak
I'll love you for Heaven's Sake
I'm ready to pay, yeah
My dues for lovin' you
For lovin' you too much woman,
You know I stand accused
And more
All the time
More and More!
Hey yeah, yeah yeah...
Like medicine baby
You're good for me
Like honey, darlin' girl
I know you're sweet to me
Each passing day,
Brings us much closer together
And the love you bring me darlin'
Just gets better and better
That's why my love for you
Keeps on growin'
More and more
All the time
More and more
All the time, yeah!
Uh huh,
Gonna say it again, now now now
Like a ship that's driftin' baby
You're apart from me
Like old man time
You controll my destiny
If from my life, you ever tried to go
It would destroy in a second
What took a lifetime to mold
That's why my love for you
Just keeps on growin'
More and more
All the time
More and more
All the time
Uh huhhhh
Let me hear ya!
As sure as a sunrise
I'll stand by your side
As sure as the daybreak
I'll love you for Heaven's Sake
I'm ready to pay, yeah
My dues for lovin' you
For lovin' you too much woman,
You know I stand accused
And more
All the time
More and More!
If I don't love you, baby
Grits ain't grocery
Eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Grits ain't grocery
Eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Oh yeah, let's get into it, listen
All around the world I'd rather be a fly
I'd lite on my baby 'n stay with my woman 'till I die
With a toothpick in my hand I'd dig a ten foot ditch
And run all through the jungle fightin' lions with a switch
I'd lite on my baby 'n stay with my woman 'till I die
With a toothpick in my hand I'd dig a ten foot ditch
And run all through the jungle fightin' lions with a switch
Because you know I love you, baby
Ooh you know I love you baby, yeah
Now if I don't love you baby, I tell you
Grits ain't grocery, eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Ooh you know I love you baby, yeah
Now if I don't love you baby, I tell you
Grits ain't grocery, eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Oh baby, Uh! Listen
All around the world
I've got blisters on my feet
I'm trying to find my baby
And bring her home with me
You better run into me baby and-a be convinced
If you don't run into me right now, woman
You ain't got no sense
I've got blisters on my feet
I'm trying to find my baby
And bring her home with me
You better run into me baby and-a be convinced
If you don't run into me right now, woman
You ain't got no sense
Because you know I love you, baby
Oh, you know I love you baby, yeah!
Well, if I don't love you baby I tell ya
Grits ain't grocery, eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Oh, you know I love you baby, yeah!
Well, if I don't love you baby I tell ya
Grits ain't grocery, eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
c'mon y'all
Hit me!
Ooh baby, listen
Hit me!
Ooh baby, listen
All around the world I never will forget
I lost all my money, my woman and my pet
But I've got to have you baby
And I'll settle for nothing less
Give up all my good time, baby
And stay for happiness
I lost all my money, my woman and my pet
But I've got to have you baby
And I'll settle for nothing less
Give up all my good time, baby
And stay for happiness
Because you know I love you baby, yeah
Oh, you know I love you baby, yeah
Oh, you know I love you baby, yeah
Well, if I don't love you baby, I tell ya
Grits ain't grocery
Eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Grits ain't grocery
Eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
Come on
Hit me, band!
Come on
Hit me, band!
A-don't you know I love you, baby
Ev'ryday and.
Ev'ryday and.
dijous, 14 de maig del 2020
Tolling Bells are ringing-and the shadows cast their spell
Tolling Bells are ringing-and the shadows cast their spell
I gotta-got a strange-strange feelin' that something just ain't well
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
I been-I begin to wonder is it the death angel-
Coming to carry me-to my grave-
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
I wonder is it the death angel-Coming to carry me-to my grave-
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Wonder what is wrong baby wonder- what can the trouble be
I gotta- a -strange feelin' that the bells, the bells, the bells are ringin for me-
So sad so sad now
You ever wake up in the morning and you feel something just ain't right-your left side jumps and you gotta go oh ooo yeah!
Tolling Bells are ringing-and the shadows cast their spell
I gotta-got a strange-strange feelin' that something just ain't well
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
I been-I begin to wonder is it the death angel-
Coming to carry me-to my grave-
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
Night is falling and my strength it ebbs away
I wonder is it the death angel-Coming to carry me-to my grave-
Wonder what is wrong-wonder what can the trouble be
Wonder what is wrong baby wonder- what can the trouble be
I gotta- a -strange feelin' that the bells, the bells, the bells are ringin for me-
So sad so sad now
You ever wake up in the morning and you feel something just ain't right-your left side jumps and you gotta go oh ooo yeah!
divendres, 8 de maig del 2020
Well I'm a downchild baby,
And I've been down since I was born,
Well I'm a downchild baby,
And I was down the day I was born, ohhh,
Won't somebody please, Help the downchild.
And I've been down since I was born,
Well I'm a downchild baby,
And I was down the day I was born, ohhh,
Won't somebody please, Help the downchild.
I've been walking the streets woman,
You know since I were quite young,
And I've been walking the streets woman,
Well ya know since I were quite young, quite young,
Won't somebody please, oh help the downchild.
Help me now.
You know since I were quite young,
And I've been walking the streets woman,
Well ya know since I were quite young, quite young,
Won't somebody please, oh help the downchild.
Help me now.
Oh. help me baby,
Well you know the shape I'm in,
Oh won't somebody please help me baby,
When you know the shape I'm in,
Won't somebody please help the downchild.
Well you know the shape I'm in,
Oh won't somebody please help me baby,
When you know the shape I'm in,
Won't somebody please help the downchild.
Oh you know the downchild baby,
And I"ve been down since I was born,
And I'm a downchild baby,
And I've been down since I was born,
Won't somebody please, help the downchild.
And I"ve been down since I was born,
And I'm a downchild baby,
And I've been down since I was born,
Won't somebody please, help the downchild.
And I cried baby,
And I cried the whole night long,
And I cried,
Til the tears coming rolling down,
You know I cried.
And I know I cried,
Oh I'm a downchild baby, tell my mother.
And I cried the whole night long,
And I cried,
Til the tears coming rolling down,
You know I cried.
And I know I cried,
Oh I'm a downchild baby, tell my mother.
dijous, 7 de maig del 2020
dissabte, 2 de maig del 2020
divendres, 1 de maig del 2020
[Verse 1]
Old ship, give me your hands
Im the cape that came to crush and snag you on my sands
Below the ocean, and from my point of view
You were always drinking, and drunk well before noon
And dreaming on my pillow of high tide
But Id allow you
[Verse 2]
Old friend, give me back my hands
Im the crutch thats missing, and youre the crippled little lamb
Those claws will get you; those teeth will take your life
But you won't know whats missing
[Outro x2]
This gift ain't giving. This wolf ain't worth the fight
If you get lost, if you get lost you lose tonight
Old ship, give me your hands
Im the cape that came to crush and snag you on my sands
Below the ocean, and from my point of view
You were always drinking, and drunk well before noon
And dreaming on my pillow of high tide
But Id allow you
[Verse 2]
Old friend, give me back my hands
Im the crutch thats missing, and youre the crippled little lamb
Those claws will get you; those teeth will take your life
But you won't know whats missing
[Outro x2]
This gift ain't giving. This wolf ain't worth the fight
If you get lost, if you get lost you lose tonight
With my toes dangling into the sea,
Into a fog, into a lonely drink.
Don't lift me up,
I'm a wreck, I know.
Still, I've got miles to walk from the cape along the coast.
And we'll play helicopter in the sand
And bite our thumbs at the acquaintances,
And make it known we're on par for the evening,
And take the butcher's knife through my words again.
Into a fog, into a lonely drink.
Don't lift me up,
I'm a wreck, I know.
Still, I've got miles to walk from the cape along the coast.
And we'll play helicopter in the sand
And bite our thumbs at the acquaintances,
And make it known we're on par for the evening,
And take the butcher's knife through my words again.
Then in walk the mannered men
With their smokescreen yes.
And the sequined girls
With their skirts hemmed high.
And you will know from this
That it's all to start.
Our glasses clink,
And our plastic swords stab our olive hearts.
With their smokescreen yes.
And the sequined girls
With their skirts hemmed high.
And you will know from this
That it's all to start.
Our glasses clink,
And our plastic swords stab our olive hearts.
All night like a friendly ghost
We haunt the ins and outs of this house of our gracious host
And give thanks, but not much helps.
And so here is where we give the toast:
Cheers to the wives of the drunks.
Cheers to the husbands that tag along for good luck.
Cheers to the miles it took to get here.
Cheers to the the nerve it takes to forget who we are.
We haunt the ins and outs of this house of our gracious host
And give thanks, but not much helps.
And so here is where we give the toast:
Cheers to the wives of the drunks.
Cheers to the husbands that tag along for good luck.
Cheers to the miles it took to get here.
Cheers to the the nerve it takes to forget who we are.
Then in walk the mannered men
With their smokescreen yes.
And the sequined girls
With their skirts hemmed high.
And you will know from this
That it's all to start.
Our glasses clink,
And our plastic swords stab our olive hearts.
With their smokescreen yes.
And the sequined girls
With their skirts hemmed high.
And you will know from this
That it's all to start.
Our glasses clink,
And our plastic swords stab our olive hearts.
At the margins of the land, I get to know your skin
Where the sand dunes slope into a wild ocean
Where a great plain heaps into a jagged mountain
Oh, I feel your heart swell with the ghost life here, so magnificent
Where the sand dunes slope into a wild ocean
Where a great plain heaps into a jagged mountain
Oh, I feel your heart swell with the ghost life here, so magnificent
And yet some days we are stoned, cold and stuck
Whether in time or place or head or heart
But dear, we'll never feel the years with the wind at our backs
And we can live our days in a ghost life here, so magnificent
Whether in time or place or head or heart
But dear, we'll never feel the years with the wind at our backs
And we can live our days in a ghost life here, so magnificent
And yet some days we are stones cold and stuck
Whether in time or place or head or heart
But dear, we'll never feel the years with the wind at our backs
And we can live our days in a ghost life here, so magnificent
Whether in time or place or head or heart
But dear, we'll never feel the years with the wind at our backs
And we can live our days in a ghost life here, so magnificent
Oh, blood, ocean blood
Salty blood
Flows like torrents through our hearts
And knows just what it wants
Salty blood
Flows like torrents through our hearts
And knows just what it wants
Love, shapeless love
Wild, tireless love
Fast in the free ether
Ghostly white and seething hot
Wild, tireless love
Fast in the free ether
Ghostly white and seething hot
Sky, ocean sigh
Dark mirror shine
Swift to the backs of our eyes
Deep, wanting eyes
Dark mirror shine
Swift to the backs of our eyes
Deep, wanting eyes
And how I know I'm happy now
I jump right down the shoots of time
And yes the weather was not always grey
But the furrow always graced my brow
I jump right down the shoots of time
And yes the weather was not always grey
But the furrow always graced my brow
Now I'm overcome with light, overcome with light
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Yes we had some hard work but now it's right
Overcome with light, overcome
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Yes we had some hard work but now it's right
Overcome with light, overcome
And my worries then, were not grand
But I felt them like a hammer pounding
Like I really feel, feel them now
And in the page, I know I'm dreaming
But I felt them like a hammer pounding
Like I really feel, feel them now
And in the page, I know I'm dreaming
Now I'm overcome with light, overcome with light
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Yes we had some screams but now it's right
Overcome with light, overcome
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Yes we had some screams but now it's right
Overcome with light, overcome
Overcome with light, overcome with light
Just come down from a high fever,
From out there in the yard
While the pyre is burning, it's hard to feel the weather shift
Or the fear of the dark
From out there in the yard
While the pyre is burning, it's hard to feel the weather shift
Or the fear of the dark
This year we need a deeper frost
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line starts
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line starts
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
On and on goes the long winter
My eyes now fixed to the stars
We've been there before and I'm fairly sure we'll find a clearing
In the forest of our hearts
My eyes now fixed to the stars
We've been there before and I'm fairly sure we'll find a clearing
In the forest of our hearts
This year we need a deeper frost
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line stops
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line stops
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
But you know I'm not an activist,
Not in the purest sense
I'm not a pacifist
I know which rules to bend
I just reveal my name
And show my love
Out in the hallows
Not in the purest sense
I'm not a pacifist
I know which rules to bend
I just reveal my name
And show my love
Out in the hallows
This year we need a deeper frost
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line stops
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
Me and my meadowlark
Under the winter's fears
Out where the tree line stops
Down on the north slope
Down to the creek
Hold tight til spring
I cracked my knuckles, and I said grace
And gave thanks for being a hundred and still feeling amazed.
Out where the waves wrestle with the dirty brine,
This is a lonely place. This was a home of mine.
After the struggle, Id watch the sand settle
Over the quiet reef. Its my oldest memory.
And gave thanks for being a hundred and still feeling amazed.
Out where the waves wrestle with the dirty brine,
This is a lonely place. This was a home of mine.
After the struggle, Id watch the sand settle
Over the quiet reef. Its my oldest memory.
And I dont know whose land were on.
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
I dont know.
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
I dont know.
I curse the weapon we stub our toes on.
Its the land of make believe, cant you see, cant you see?
Now in the dirt where I put my feet, and in the trunk of my body,
Im only shy, here, when I want to be, my head between my cypress knees.
And in the top of the canopy of the trees I am climbing,
The morning sun here, you will see. Its my oldest memory.
Its the land of make believe, cant you see, cant you see?
Now in the dirt where I put my feet, and in the trunk of my body,
Im only shy, here, when I want to be, my head between my cypress knees.
And in the top of the canopy of the trees I am climbing,
The morning sun here, you will see. Its my oldest memory.
And I dont know whose land were on.
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
I dont know
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
Is this an island that plots like a villain,
Or an old ghost friend we dont believe in?
I dont know
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