divendres, 29 de juliol del 2022




Hoverin' by my suitcase
Tryin' to find a warm place to spend the night
Heavy rain's fallin'
Seems I hear your voice callin' "it's all right"
A rainy night in Georgia
A rainy night in Georgia
Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world
Neon signs a-flashin'
Taxicabs and buses passin' through the night
A distant moanin' of a train
Seems to play a sad refrain to the night
But it's a rainy night in Georgia
Such a rainy night in Georgia
Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world
How many times I wondered
It still comes out the same
No matter how you look at it or think of it
It's life and you just got to play the game
Find me a place in a box car
So I take my guitar to pass some time
Late at night when it's hard to rest
I hold your picture to my chest and I feel fine, I feel fine
But it's a rainy night in Georgia
Baby, it's a rainy night in Georgia
Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world
Kinda lonely now and it's rainin' all over the world
Rainin', rainin' rainin', rainin', rainin' rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin'

dijous, 28 de juliol del 2022

divendres, 22 de juliol del 2022





dimecres, 20 de juliol del 2022




(àlbum sencer)




(àlbum sencer)

dimarts, 19 de juliol del 2022





Green grass is growing
Cool winds are blowing
The pointed star is shining
And in your eyes I'm finding
A world of singing
Where love is bringing
A sense of warmth to me
Because your mind is free and real
New waters sighing
My soul is flying
Into oblivion
Imagine the fields are gone for now
Cob web songs destroy the silence
That has threatened beauty's violence
In my mind
The tears have flowed like velvet thunder
Smiles are shattered and torn us under
Then I find
That I've been
Every time but now
The falling leaves of wounded words
Are captured by angry birds
Of grey
The rivers of distention drown
The virgin in her tattered gown
Of golden days
But I know
That clouds will dissolve and morning will absolve my sin
The world is yearning
For the sun that's burning
The path of flowing laughter
Your thoughts will follow after



I see jewels
Melting and shining bright
Rubies and sapphires
Vibrate as one

I hear prisms
Crystal rainbows fill my sky
Shattered they glisten
And blind the sun

Flashes of white light
The light goes through what i see
Colored thought waves
Prisms of poetry

I feel love promised
Made of jade and rising high
Frozen and hollow
Hidden in the maze
Pick up feathers
Blue eyed and seeing all
Topples so gentle
Into empty pits






dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2022



Collapsed laughter running, falling, drifting, across the mine field of your thoughts dissolved, wondering: "Who am I? Why should I be alone, alone?"

Concrete forests loom into view
Steel throated robots tell you what to do
Look out Big Brother is lookin' at you
Look out Big Brother is lookin' at you

Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling

Flowered children dressed in a shroud
Are enveloped by a great flannel cloud
Because they go around acting too proud
Because they go around acting too proud

Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling

[Keyboard Solo]

Plastic masses don't know what to say
But they want to make all the flowers go away
Or else they'll take the sun away from your day
Or else they'll take the sun away from your day

Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling
Your head is reeling



Mind flowers
Take a trip
To the center
Of your mind
To your mind
Letting only
Your conscience
Be your guide
Finding out
That life is
Where its edge
Where its edge
Of your ego!
Let it go!
Let it go!
Let it go!
Let it go!
Let it go!
Let it go!
Falling sounds explode
Across myriad conscience
Of tomorrow's mind
You feel yourself
Rising slowly
And yet falling down
Upon shattered dreams
Crystal sights are
Shattered and distorted
By reality's truth
You hear the crying
Of a thousand harpies
As tomorrow is gone
You are cleansed
You are cleansed
You are cleansed
You are cleansed
You will never hear
Distortion again
I am falling
I am falling
I am falling
Into the quicksand
Of my troubled mind
My troubled mind
My troubled mind
My troubled mind
Mind... Flowers...
Mind flowers
Mind flowers
Mind flowers!

divendres, 15 de juliol del 2022




 Four in the morning and the water is pouring down
Stove don't work and my baby has just left town

Stove don't work and the sun ain't gonna shine
I left my baby 'cause she just wouldn't stop lyin'
Lying on my back 'cause there just ain't nothing to drink
Empty bottles on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink

 Four in the morning and the water is pouring down
Stove don't work and my baby has just left town

I'm watching a cockroach crawling in an old bean can
He said, "when your baby left you, I bet it's tough to be a man"
I'm watching a cockroach crawling in an old bean can
He said, "when your baby left you, I bet it's tough to be a man"
Jimmie Joe with the legs and knees all bandaged up
Came asking for some money and all I had was a buck

Four in the morning and the water is pouring down
Stove don't work and my baby has just left town
Left town


 "24 HOURS"




(àlbum sencer)

dijous, 14 de juliol del 2022




She came, she came to meet a man
She found an angel
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
He very wise in the herbal lore
Has got your cure, now
She came, she came to free the pain
With his wildflower
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Fine, fine, fine, fine celandine
He prepared for her
Tea, tea, tea, tea to make her free
While incense burned
In love pool eyes
Float feathers after the struggle
The hopes burst and shot joy
All through the mind
Sorrow more distant than a star
Multi-color run down over your body
Then the liquid passing all into all
(Love is hot, love is hot)
Love is hot, truth is molten
True, true, true, true the song he sang her
While the leaves cooked
Ting, ting, tiny little bell he rang her
Sleepily, she looked
He filled, he filled a leather cup
Holding her gaze
She took, she took a little sip
While this song he sang
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, was my name, was my name
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now, now, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Eh-de-de-dah, oh, was my name
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now, yeah
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Did you get that, did you get that, now?
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now

dilluns, 11 de juliol del 2022

divendres, 8 de juliol del 2022




Burned out, I found you like a light on
Time to forget all that I've done
I'm too in tune to change the dial
Connected colors for the mood
I'm on rewind all the time
A welcome sign outside my mind
Ready when you are to lose
Asleep for days inside the blue
Everyone a star, everyone a star
Everyone a star, everyone a star
In time I found you like a light on
I won't forget all that you've done
Ready when you are to lose
Asleep for weeks inside the blue
Free is all we are, free is all we are
Free is all we are, free is all we are
Everyone a star, everyone a star
Everyone a star, everyone a star

dimarts, 5 de juliol del 2022




One more coffee
One more cigarette
One more morning
Trying to forget
If I had the chance
To join your dance
I wouldn't like to bet
Your game is something yet
It's a shame
Ain't natural for you
Baby, it's a sin
You know you just can't win
When you are in
You used to ride on buses
Take a tube to Camden Town
Now you go by aeroplane
Don't let nothing bring you down
It's a shame
Ain't natural for you
Baby, it's a sin
Don't you know you just can't win
When you are in
Now the road is dark and lonely
But you got a pearl light mode
You're up in Park Lane now
And I'm somewhere around
In Tottenham Court Road
It's a shame
Ain't natural for you
Baby, it's a sin
Don't you know you just can't win
When you are in
No, you just can't win
No, you just can't win
When you are in




 Like to tell ya about my baby
You know she comes around
She about five feet four
A-from her head to the ground

You know she comes around here
At just about midnight
She make ya feel so good, Lord
She make ya feel all right

And her name is G-L-O-R-I-A
G-L-O-R-I-A (Gloria)
G-L-O-R-I-A (Gloria)
I'm gonna shout it all night (Gloria)
I'm gonna shout it everyday (Gloria)

She comes around here
Just about midnight
Ha, she make me feel so good, Lord
I wanna say she make me feel alright

Comes a-walkin' down my street
When she comes to my house
She knocks upon my door
And then she comes in my room
Yeah, an' she make me feel alright

G-L-O-R-I-A (Gloria)
G-L-O-R-I-A (Gloria)
I'm gonna shout it all night (Gloria)
I'm gonna shout it everyday (Gloria)
Looks so good (Gloria) alright
Just so good (Gloria) alright, yeah


dilluns, 4 de juliol del 2022



 Em van fer passar en una saleta
on hi feia una calor asfixiant.
Em va donar la mà abans de seure,
va dir: "jo seré el teu advocat".
Va escurar amb un mocador de seda
la suor que li inundava el cap,
va inclinar el cos una mica enrere,
va dir-me està tot ben controlat.
"Tinc una estratègia sense esquerdes
i un discurs que commourà al jurat.
Aquests casos mai se'm resisteixen,
tu fes-me cas i quedaràs en llibertat."
Però aquelles paraules tan boniques
Van fer mal, molt més mal
que tot el que no gosava dir-me.

I que llarga que es va fer l'espera
fins que em cridessin a declarar,
vaig trobar en les parets de la cel·la
el límit del que podia canviar.
Per fi van venir dos gorres negres,
dos pistoles, quatre fortes mans,
i mentre em posaven les cadenes
un va dir: “t'esperen al jurat”.
"És veritat que el vas matar a sang freda?"
Jo vaig preferir no contestar.
Esperant-nos per entrar a l'audiència,
un guàrdia em va convidar a fumar.
I aquells copets que em va donar a l'esquena
Van fer mal, molt més mal
que els cops de martell dictant sentència.

Em van llevar de males maneres
del banc més fred on he segut mai,
un cop ja s'han passejat les feres
han de tornar dins del seu forat.
Recordava dotze togues negres,
cent ulls que no saben on mirar.
"Noi, desperta! Hi ha algú que et vol veure."
Ella! Com me n’havia oblidat!
Va passar els braços entre les reixes,
va agafar-me fort les dues mans,
va parlar de bicis amb rodetes
i de cases amb balcons al mar.
Però totes aquelles promeses
van fer mal, molt més mal
que els cops de martell dictant sentència.

Ja esperava que la nit darrera
em conduís al dia final.
"Potser em volen matar de l'espera
per no embrutar de sang la destral".
I mentre em mirava les estrelles
va irrompre a la sala el capellà
"Fillet meu, ara que pots confessa
i allibera't del pes del pecat"
Pare, no em lamento de les meves
males decisions. Al capdavall
la vida és triar i potser he estat feble,
però no hi ha res que vulgui canviar.
I aquesta mirada compassiva
em fa mal, molt més mal
que el que demà em farà la guillotina.






divendres, 1 de juliol del 2022



 "Marxaré d'aquest món com qui sols deixa un somni
i es desperta a la calma eternal d’un gran dia
on no s’enyora res -ja que res no es tenia-
fora l’amor dels vius…
… si és que algú ens estimava."

Joana Raspall (fragment de No veuré mai,  del llibre Jardí vivent, 2010)





Well you can hide behind your door
And you can leave me kneeling on floor
But I will only love you more
Yes I will only love you more
Well you can take from me all you think you need
And you can bury it deep deep in the ground
But I will never let you down
No I will never let you down
No I will never let you down
No I will never let you down