dijous, 24 de desembre del 2020



 Worldes blis ne last no throwe;
It went and wit awey anon
The langer that ich hit iknowe
The lass ich finde pris tharon;
For al it is imeind mid care
Mid serwen and mid evel fare
And atte laste povre and bare
It lat man, wan it ginth agon
Al the blis this heer and thare
Bilucth at ende weep and mon

Mon, wi seestu thot ant herte
On worldes blisse that nout ne last?
Wy tholestu that te so ofte smerte
For thin that is unstedefast?
Thu likest huni of thorn iwis
That seest thi loue on worldes blis
For ful of bitternes hit is
Ful sore thu mikt ben ofgast
That here despendes heikte amis
Wer-thurh ben in-to helle icast

An no god ben unforgulde
Ne no quete ne worth unboukt;
Wanne thu list, mon, undur molde
Thu shalt hauen as tu hauest wrokt
Bithenc the wel forthi, hic rede
Ant clanse the of thine misdede
That he the helpe at thine nede
That so dure hus haued iboukt
Ant to heuene blisse Iede
That euere lest ant faileth nout

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