dimecres, 28 de maig del 2014


 Ves per on sempre m'ha agradat molt més aquesta versió dels Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) que no pas el clàssic original dels Smiths d'en Morrissey.

 Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one

Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh, please don't drop me home
Because it's not my home, it's their
Home, and I'm welcome no more

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine

Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
And in the darkened underpass
I thought oh God, my chance has come at last
(But then a strange fear gripped me and I
Just couldn't ask)

Take me out tonight
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, da
Oh, I haven't got one

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine

Oh, there is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out
There is a light and it never goes out


When I take the prisoners swimming
They have the time of their lives
I love to watch them floating

On their backs
Unburdened and relaxed

I sit in the tall grass and look the other way
And when I haul them in they always say
Our sentences will not be served

We are constantly on trial
It's a way to be free

Most nights I go for a drive
To the highest place I can find
Stand there on a cliff with gooseflesh
Watching the wind rip the leaves from the trees

Death defying
Every breath
Death defying

Soon we will all be back in the yard
Behind the wall
Living hard
Dreaming of cool rivers and tall grass

We are constantly on trial
It's a way to be free

We are constantly on trial
It's a way to be free

dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014


It's our anniversary
I leave it ajar
And go outside
To look at the driveway stars
The crickets are chirping
They stop at my step
I stop my step
And they start up again
It's our anniversary and the bullfrogs
And everything that can sing is singing
its mating song
The soil is steaming
Grass is swooning
Guns or fireworks are popping
Down in the town
A woman is running
A man jumps up and down
It's our anniversary and you've hidden my keys
This is one anniversary you're spending with me
I slide in the front seat
The drivers side
To hot-wire and hightail crosses my mind
But still in the driveway
Fixed like the stars
I flip on the headlights
And go back inside
The climates controlled
While the battery dies
Clipping the wings of your morning flight
The night will end
In some form of excess
Pants around ankles
Too weak to fully undress
It's our anniversary
A celebration of
And here's to next year
Maybe you'll join me in my car
We'll drive together
But not too far
We are far from flowers
Cut and dried
So let us thrive let us thrive
Let us thrive let us thrive
Just like the weeds
We curse sometimes

dijous, 22 de maig del 2014


Vetiver - Rolling Sea Lyrics

Artist: Vetiver
Album: Tight Knit
Genre: Folk
Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it.
RIFF-it good.
Wouldn't you love to be out on the rolling sea
With only the sky above you for a roof
What if your friends were there, laugh at all your jokes
And share sweet salt air with you, wouldn't that be good
You know it would

Wouldn't you love to find yourself there some time
Ducking when the bow swings your way
Whenever we make plans you tell me you're a busy man
That you'd go but you really should stay
Someday soon you'd say

Nothing escapes the rolling sea, not the past nor you or me
You keep the world at bay, should it all wash away
You wouldn't feel no pain of those who can
Gather the [Incomprehensible] and few of your closest friends
Gonna ride in and swim while the weather's fine

Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/vetiver/rolling-sea-lyrics/#8w6VKhhlwS1YwICw.99

Vetiver - Rolling Sea Lyrics

Artist: Vetiver
Album: Tight Knit
Genre: Folk
Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it.
RIFF-it good.
Wouldn't you love to be out on the rolling sea
With only the sky above you for a roof
What if your friends were there, laugh at all your jokes
And share sweet salt air with you, wouldn't that be good
You know it would

Wouldn't you love to find yourself there some time
Ducking when the bow swings your way
Whenever we make plans you tell me you're a busy man
That you'd go but you really should stay
Someday soon you'd say

Nothing escapes the rolling sea, not the past nor you or me
You keep the world at bay, should it all wash away
You wouldn't feel no pain of those who can
Gather the [Incomprehensible] and few of your closest friends
Gonna ride in and swim while the weather's fine

Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/vetiver/rolling-sea-lyrics/#8w6VKhhlwS1YwICw.99
Wouldn't you love to be out on the rolling sea
With only the sky above you for a roof
What if your friends were there, laugh at all your jokes
And share sweet salt air with you, wouldn't that be good
You know it would
Wouldn't you love to find yourself there some time
Ducking when the bow swings your way
Whenever we make plans you tell me you're a busy man
That you'd go but you really should stay
Someday soon you'd say
Nothing escapes the rolling sea, not the past nor you or me
You keep the world at bay, should it all wash away
You wouldn't feel no pain of those who can
Gather the [Incomprehensible] and few of your closest friends
Gonna ride in and swim while the weather's fine
Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time
Oh, it's been such a long time

dijous, 15 de maig del 2014


Goldenrod and the 4H stone
The things I brought you when I found out
You had cancer of the bone

Your father cried on the telephone
And he drove his car into the Navy yard
Just to prove that he was sorry

In the morning, through the window shade
When the light pressed up against your shoulderblade
I could see what you were reading

All the glory that the Lord has made
And the complications you could do without
When I kissed you on the mouth

Tuesday night at the Bible study
We lift our hands and pray over your body
But nothing ever happens

I remember at Michael's house
In the living room when you kissed my neck
And I almost touched your blouse

In the morning at the top of the stairs
When your father found out what we did that night
And you told me you were scared

All the glory when you ran outside
With your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied
And you told me not to follow you

Sunday night when I cleaned the house
I find the card where you wrote it out
With the pictures of your mother

On the floor at the great divide
With my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied
I am crying in the bathroom

In the morning when you finally go
And the nurse runs in with her head hung low
And the cardinal hits the window

In the morning in the winter shade
On the first of March, on the holiday
I thought I saw you breathing

All the glory that the Lord has made
And the complications when I see His face
In the morning in the window

All the glory when He took our place
But He took my shoulders and He shook my face
And He takes and He takes and He takes

I'm not afraid of the black man running
He's got it right, he's got a better life coming
I don't care what the captain said
I fold it right at the top of my head
I lost my sight and the state packs in
I follow my heart and it leads me right to Jackson

Oh, Keller, oh, oh, oh
She gave us a medal she gave us a map
Oh, Canner Row, oh, oh, oh
If seeing is right, then look where you're at

I'm not afraid of Nichol's Park
I ride the train and I ride it after dark
I'm not afraid to get it right
I turn around and I give it one more try
I said things that I meant to say
The bandstand chairs and the Dewey Day parade
I go out to the golden age
The spirit is right and the spirit doesn't change

Oh, Keller, oh, oh, oh
She gave us mirror she gave us a map
Oh, Canner Row, oh, oh, oh
If seeing is right then look where you're at

Andrew Jackson, all I'm asking
Show us the wheel and give us the wine
Woohoo! Woohoo!
Raise the banner, Jackson hammer
Everyone goes to the capitol line
Woohoo! woohoo!
Colored preacher, nice to meet you!
The spirit is here and the spirit is fine!
Woohoo! Woohoo!
Education, ask the nation
You gave us our sight and the hearing is fine
Woohoo! woohoo!
Andrew Jackson all I'm asking
Give us the wheel and give us the wine.

dimarts, 13 de maig del 2014


It was hard to love a man like you
Goodbye was half the words you knew
While you was waiting for me not to call
I sent my love, I sent my love

In a life built out of only goodbyes
Is there even room for you to try
While you was waiting for me not to call
I sent my love, I sent my love

It was hard to love a man like you
Goodbye was just what you do
In a life built out of only goodbye
Is there even room for you
Is there even room for you

While you was waiting for me not to call
I sent my love, I sent my love.

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014

dimarts, 6 de maig del 2014

                        "ANAR I NO TORNAR" 

 Amb una mica de retard, aporto la traducció al català d'aquest poema de Nakahara Chûya de l'any 1936. (http://zwijgzaam.blogspot.com.es/2013/10/nakahara-chuya-ii-never-to-return.html).

Jo era als confins d'aquest món. El sol es vessava suaument. El vent agitava tota mena de flors.

La pols del pont de fusta callava tot el dia. La bústia, tot el dia, es veia ben vermella. El cotxet que portava el molí de vent estava sempre immòbil a la vorera.

Pels carrers, no es veien ni els habitants ni els infants; jo no tenia cap parent; mirar de tant en tant el color del cel per damunt d'un penell era tot el que feia.

Tot i això, no m'avorria: hi havia mel dins l'aire, i aquesta mel immaterial era prou per alimentar-me.

Fumava només perquè el perfum del cigarret m'agradava. Abans gran fumador, ara no fumava més que a fora.

La meva estimada riquesa, un tovalló. Tot i tenir un coixí, de llit no en trobava ni l'ombre; tenia un raspall de dents, cal dir-ho, però a l'únic llibre meu no hi havia res escrit, era només una cosa, en gaudia només sentint-ne el pes, agafant-lo de tant en tant amb la mà.

Encara que les dones fossin realment desitjables, la idea d'anar-les a veure no se m'acudí, ni una sola vegada. En tenia prou somniant-les.

Sempre un no sé què d'indescriptible m'empenyia, i, a desgrat meu, sense finalitat, molt fort, l'esperança em batia dins el pit.

Al bosc hi havia un parc misteriós on dones, infants i homes somreien tan estranyament que esdevenia inquietant, passejaven, parlaven una llengua que no entenia, expressaven una emoció que no comprenia.

Bé, en aquell cel una teranyina brillava, amb reflexos de llum, platejada.

dijous, 1 de maig del 2014


M’he d’anar consolant 
de fer-me vell.
Invento fets
que mai no foren, parlo
d’anar corrents a omplir
un cove de fruita i dur-lo
a qui no l’esperava: jo mateix
En veure’l
Tot d’una el menjador
s’omple de l’hort. Dringuen les copes
plenes de vi.
Llunyana espera
de dies feliços que no fou possible
que ho fossin.
Ploro sense fressa
pels corredors, per totes
les cambres buides de la casa
del temps difunt.
Si vols acompanyar-me
vine, partim-nos
els fruits i el vi;
mirem per la finestra, junts,
el vell passat que vam pujar
graó rera graó, difícilment.