dijous, 31 de desembre del 2015


 When you climb to the top of the mountain
Look out over the sea
Think about the places perhaps, where a young man could be
Then you jump back down to the rooftops
Look out over the town
Think about all of the strange things circulating round

It ain't easy, it ain't easy
It ain't easy to get to heaven when you're going down

Well all the people have got their problems
That ain't nothing new
With the help of the good Lord
We can all pull on through
We can all pull on through
Get there in the end
Sometimes it'll take you right up and sometimes down again


Satisfaction, satisfaction
Keep me satisfied
I've got the love of a Hoochie Koochie woman
She calling from inside
She's a-calling from inside
Trying to get to you
All the woman really wants you can give her something

 [CHORUS (x2)]

dimecres, 30 de desembre del 2015


 Knocked on your door at dawn
With a spark in my heart
Dragged you from your bed
And said let me see the colts

Let me see the colts
That will run next year
Show them to a gambling man
Thinking of the future

Have you been drinking? No,
Nor sleeping
The all-seeing all-knowing eye is dog tired
And just wants to see the colts

We walked out through
The dew dappled brambles
And sat upon the fence
Is there anything as still as sleeping horses
Is there anything as still as sleeping horses.

dijous, 24 de desembre del 2015


 If you see Natalie
Send along this message
I know that you've been through
An awful lot of late

Steady the trembling hand
That's what you do
Steady your trembling hands
Then see what's in front of you

Friends and fortunetellers
They all say you're gonna die
If you don't brighten up
You know you gotta try

Steady the trembling hand
That's what you do
Steady your trembling hands
Then see what's in front of you

If you see Natalie
Send along this message
You may not need this world
But this world needs you here

Steady the trembling hand
That's what you do
Steady your trembling hands
Then see what's in front of you

You might not feel it now
But you're gonna get there
And see it somehow
You're gonna be alright, girl.


divendres, 11 de desembre del 2015


 I som prop del final
Ja tot és imminent
Tot això que hem dut junts
Hi ha cops que no pot ser
I el nostre, es veu, n’és un.

Ei, això nostre podria ser molt
maco si tu donessis
tot el que exigeixes per tu

 Obre’t de dins, va!
Que això no té final!
Les fosses abissals!
Muntanyes i glaciars!
La immensitat del mar!
I no s’acaba mai!

És espectacular!
I mai no té final!
Obre’t de dins, va!
I anem cap endavant!
LAURA GILPIN (1950-2007) 

Tomorrow when the farm boys find this
freak of nature, they will wrap his body
in newspaper and carry him to the museum.

But tonight he is alive and in the north
field with his mother. It is a perfect
summer evening: the moon rising over
the orchard, the wind in the grass. And
as he stares into the sky, there are
twice as many stars as usual. 

 I ens anem fent grans
però no passa res
perquè el dos tenim molt clar
que el millor està per venir

Dissabte al matí
fent mandres al llit
i és que amb els teus ulls a prop
no cal patir per res

Que s'apagui el sol
i es fonguin els ploms
si ara no estem vivint un dels moments
més macos del món.

dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2015


La lluna girà girà,
traçà en el cel un compàs;
la lluna girà girà,
traçà en el cel un compàs,
el que volia jo fer
és un coixí amb els teus braços,
el que volia jo fer…
Oh, nineta, te’n recordes
d’aquella tarda de sol?
Oh, nineta, te’n recordes
d’aquella tarda de sol
en què vas caure als meus braços
amarada de suor?
en què vas caure als meus braços?
Oh nineta, com m’agites…
jo en una pedra i tu en l’altra;
oh nineta, com m’agites…
jo n’una pedra i tu en l’altra
plorant les nostres misèries…
si en vam tenir, de poca sort!
plorant les nostres misèries…
La lluna girà girà,
traçà en el cel un compàs;
la lluna girà girà,
traçà en el cel un compàs,
el que volia jo fer
és un coixí amb els teus braços,
el que volia jo fer…
un coixí amb els meus braços.
Només no fa qui no en vol;
un coixí amb els teus braços…
Només no fa qui no en vol.
Oh, nineta, te’n recordes
d’aquella tarda de pluja?
Oh, nineta, te’n recordes
d’aquella tarda de pluja
en què vas caure als meus braços
tan rendida, dolça i nua?
en què vas caure als meus braços?
Només no fa qui no en vol,
només no fa qui no en vol…
La lluna girà girà,
traçà en el cel un compàs;
el que volia jo fer
és un coixí amb els teus braços,
el que volia jo fer…

dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015


 It is so cold in Shiloh Town
Birds can hardly sing
Pretty girls gonna leave the town
They won't be back 'til spring

War is done they've come back home
But they're the ones that lost
See a man and a woman alone
Was it worth the cost?

I'll sing hallelujah
You'll sing hallelujah
We'll all sing hallelujah
When they arrive at home

Sun is out it's hot to today
Children all come out to play
Some are quick to come back home
Others, gone to stay

Gets so cold in Shiloh Town
Birds can hardly sing
Pretty girls gonna leave the town
They won't be back 'til spring

I'll sing hallelujah
You'll sing hallelujah
We'll all sing hallelujah
When they arrive at home.

dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015



 My sin, my sin is done and it won't be forgiven
I'm gone, I'm gone
I'm going where the wild people living
Gone where the wild, wild people living
So long alone, close to the bone

They kill the messenger, they kill the taxman waiting in line
They kill the passenger where the train and taxi collide
A holiday has come, my mind has escaped into hiding
I've shot away my life, out where the wild people riding
Out where the wild, the wild people riding
So long alone, close to the bone

Mama mama ma please, please don't kill the messenger man
Mama mama ma please, please don't kill the passenger man
Saturday I'm sick, I’m sick with a virus descending
Burn sunday to the quick, to the quick with a match on a mile long stick

My sin, my sin is done and it won't be forgiven
I'm gone, I'm gone
I'm gone where the wild people living
Gone where the wild, wild people living
So long alone, close to the bone

Mama mama ma please, please don't kill the messenger man
Mama mama ma please, please don't kill the passenger man.

 Recorda aquell diumenge de gener, ran del mar,
ja florit de mimoses resplendents, amb els arços
plens d'estrelles rosades
i el corb marí eixugant-se al sol, ales esteses.
Cridadissa d'infants, al jardí, i una branca
d'ametller. L'escalfor
dels tions a la llar quan el capvespre allarga
les ombres dels xiprers, part de fora, i dels pins.

dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2015


 Hoy voy a bailar alrededor de esta fuente
para intentar encontrarte entre la gente;
hoy voy a escalarte por la cara noroeste
para intentar esta vez no caerme.

Soy un animal lleno de deseo,
soy un animal que por ti me muero.
Y al anochecer, cuando el sol se va
persiguiéndote, yo me iré detrás.

Extraña forma de vivir,
estar pensando siempre en ti;
extraña forma de morir,
vivir pensando en ti.

Hoy voy a cantar las canciones de tu vida
para intentar que no te sientas perdida.

Soy el hombre que aún sigue esperando,
soy el hombre que aún sigue soñando
que al anochecer, cuando el sol se va
persiguiéndome, tú vendrás detrás.

Extraña forma de sentir,
estar pensando siempre en ti;
extraña forma de morir,
vivir pensando en ti.

dimarts, 10 de novembre del 2015



dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2015


dijous, 5 de novembre del 2015



FANTÀSTIC el nou àlbum dels canadencs The Sheepdogs.
Un plaer inacabable... 





 Heartbreak big and in fact
I hit my head off every stand
But in her eyes the approaching years
All broken bottles and chandeliers

Put eyes on the skyline
There's bliss in the kiss of the sunshine

Oh the moon is a list and a truth
And the stars take that feeling they do
When I drank like a baby and cried
I kissed the world, I curled up and died

With less of this night time
There's bliss in the kiss of the sunshine

She bought the house down on to my bed
But she couldn't keep her hands from my hair
She had a wraith-like hold on my heart
But I didn't buy a word that she said

Oh it wasn't that right
There's bliss in the kiss of the sunshine
I come down on my side
There's bliss in the kiss of the sunshine

But in her eyes the approaching years
All broken bottles and chandeliers

Del primer àlbum en solitari del líder dels britànics Elbow.
Molt bones sensacions. Qualitat i sensibilitat.

 That house broke my back
That house I built skinned my knuckles
That house I built picked my pockets
And buckled every joint
It pointed from youth and any truth I knew
Towards a painted sundial breaking the horizon
It isn't mine, that house, that house I built I realised
Turn my eyes to barnacles beneath eleven hearts of daily shame

I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale

That house I built skinned my knuckles
That house I built picked my pockets
And buckled every joint
It pointed from youth and any truth I knew
Towards a painted sundial breaking the horizon
It isn't mine, that house, that house I built I realised
Turn my eyes to barnacles beneath eleven hearts of daily shame

I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale
I cannot speak it's name but I would walk in to it's mouth
and I would breakfast in the belly of the whale.

divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2015


Espolse projectes del vidre de la taula on prenc cafè i les línies polsoses dibuixen la persiana contra la paret. Pense com fer pa' estar uns quants dies més sense fer, i estar uns quants dies sense fer res. I acumule projectes al vidre de la taula silenci de retina plena de no sé ben bé i el dia roda i el temps i el dibuix de la persiana contra la paret i el dia roda i el temps. Pense com fer pa' estar uns quants dies més sense fer i estar uns quants dies més sense fer res.

dimecres, 28 d’octubre del 2015


 Love where you hiding? The roads are all closed
Love where you hiding? There is no one
Who knows where you go to, when you close your eyes
Cold hands in your pockets old clothes are
Disguising your weaknesses, this hard moon of stone
Oh love where are you hiding? Don’t cry

Don’t go from the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun

Oh this unenlightened shift of tender gears
Seeds the scenes of laughter, they sew her
Tears in the shadows brings lone relief
A candle in the valley, there is no
Shivering mountain, no cliff haunted crows
A spark lights the beacon, I hear of you

As you go, to the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun

Voices from the alley, in whispered mystery tones
Boxes with the names of everyone
You owe your allegiance to, gave fealty on your knees
Broken arrow promises, there’s no one here
You need to belong to, not owning all you eye
A sparkle in the fingers you, show your hands

To the sky, to the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun

You show your hands to the sky
To the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun
Welcome the sun.

dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2015


 Sometimes if you wanna have a clean shirt, you've got to wash it
Sometimes if you wanna know what the town is, you know, you've really got to watch it
Sometimes if you really don't wanna go the way the world is, you just can't stop it
And I don't know which one I rely on but I don't rely on it

And all these things I know to be true
And each one brings me closer to you, you
And all the things I've ever loved...

Sometimes if you wanna know which way your train is going, all you've gotta do is dare to catch it
There's a sea of longing in my heart but I know I cannot bear to sail it
And the story of the pursuit of a truth keeps on going but it's so chaotic
I read my books on the flowers, the birds, and the burden of the bees, I keep them in my pocket

And all these things I know to be true
And each one brings me closer to you, you
And all the things I've ever loved...
And every day with the glory of it all
I find cold North wind endurance

This is the last post I'll ever write, well I've got a fever for the pages to unlock it
And in the woods there's all to feel and not to feel for the failure of the fallen
And all the kids in the house tonight, you know they're really rocking
And all the folks you know, they don't wanna get up, they wanna get it on here

And all these things I know to be true
And each one brings me closer to you, you
And in all weathers we are realized,
Its water drips and feeds back through the night
To be bathed in the sun's yellow healing light...

And all the things I've ever loved bring me closer to you, you
Bring me closer to you, you,
Bring me closer to you, you
And all the things I've ever loved
Each day with glory of it all, I find...

dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015


 Don't put this note by your face on the pillow
Don't put this letter in the pocket near your heart
Keep it in the bottom drawer where you hide the sex tools
I pray you always need them

I know what you have done
I know what you have done

Throwing advice like grenades at the table
You're spinning your wisdom in stories that change
Your lies are fluorescent my babyfaced angel
Grow a fucking heart love

I know what you have done
I know what you have done

I've got your number
I've got your number
I've got your number
You've got my number.

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015


 Yeah, she's all right
Just floatin' through her day
People throwin' words 'round
And talkin' such trash
There's so much she could say
That's not her way

That's not her way

Oh, I've been a fool
Other things on my mind
It's not hard to assess
The many terrible things she could say
But that's not her way

People, that's not her way

Yeah, she's all right
She knows who she is
She could stop and remind me of
The many ways she brightens my day
That's not her way

People, that's not her way.

diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2015


Bellesa, simplicitat, emoció. M'ha fet somriure, commoure i gairebé plorar.
Tenia ganes d'anar a l'escenari i abraçar-la ...


No sabe el mar que es domingo.
Se relevan, inmortales,
las olas a cuerpo limpio.
Cada vez que muere alguna
la misma ocupa su sitio.
No sabe el mar que es un náufrago.
Sin reloj y sin amigos,
el mar flota sobre el mar,
ni cómplice ni testigo,
ensimismado en su azul
y ajeno, como Dios mismo.
Mientras va y viene en la orilla
no sabe el mar que lo miro.

dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015


What would you say if I left this town tomorrow
I guess I would
But know I'd miss the train
I know I would
I'll take a dog's life
Just layin' in the sun
I'll take a dog's life
'Cause I don't care for this one
Chasing trains and planes and rain
Where is my rain
Falling down upon a thirsty world
I never want to be the same
Another time I might have fit in alright
But not this time
I guess I'm just too soon
To change my tune
I'll take a dog's life
Just layin' in the sun
I'll take a dog's life
'Cause I don't care for this one
Chasing trains and planes and rain
Where is my rain
Falling down upon a thirsty world
I never want to be the same
I'll take a dog's life
Just lying in the sun
I'll take a dog's life
'Cause I don't care for this one
I don't care for this one
I don't care for this one
Dog's life
Dog's life
Na na na.
75 ANYS!!

dimecres, 30 de setembre del 2015


 Torno a casa, estic cansat. Si algú m'estàs esperant...
I aquest pany no es vol obrir. Aquí tot s'està espatllant.
No pot ser estar tant sol, aquí està fallant quelcom.
Ja em començo a posar trist. Ai! si em veiés algun amic!
I a la tele no hi fan res, i el meu llit és massa fred,
la calor m'està matant, els mosquits acribillant.
I és que avui no puc dormir! No sé perquè tant de neguit.
I és que a vegades costa trobar la postura a adoptar.
Si em volguessis escoltar, tot el que t'haig d'explicar,
que no he dit mai a ningú, un secret per mi i per tú.
Prò avans fes-me volar, estirat aquí al meu costat,
que em fas estar tranquil, fem l'amor aquesta nit...
No em preguntis res, no vull. No et preocupis, no vull res.
No m'ho facis explicar, no ho intentis puc picar.
Quan estic allà pensant no hi ha clau per obrir el pany.
I a la tele no hi fan res, i ja ho he dit i no estic sorprès.
Ai la vida quin disbarat! estirat aquí al meu costat.
Avui queda't a dormir, fem l'amor aquesta nit!
Vine amb mi fes-me volar, estira't aquí al meu costat,
que em fas estar tranquil, fem l'amor aquesta nit...
Fem l'amor aquesta nit...

 Davant d'un futur incert
Amb molt per descobrir
No vull decidir
I perdre aquest moment.
Just abans de començar
La boira es pot palpar
Jo vull perdre el fil
En un full de somni

Ja no em va la realitat
La llum m'és a desgrat
Les cares de la gent
En un mar de dubtes
Jo ja no vull pensar
Jo ja no vull lluitar
Vull fondre'm amb al llit
I escoltar la pluja

On és la llibertat
De no voler escollir?
Jo em vull quedar aquí
I viure com abans
Al marge d'un camí
Veient com passa el temps
Jo ara vull estar
Arran de terra

Ja no em va la realitat
La llum m'és a desgrat
Les cares de la gent
En un mar de dubtes
Jo ja no vull pensar
Jo ja no vull lluitar
Vull fondre'm amb al llit
I escoltar la pluja.

dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2015

Alex Salmond to Catalonians: Keep Calm and Carry On

I do not know if Artur Mas, the President of Catalonia, deliberately chose the eclipse of the supermoon as the day on which to hold the most important election in Catalonia's democratic history. Traditionally a portent of historic things to come, the fact that the eclipsed moon bore a striking resemblance to the colours in the Catalan flag made it all the more powerfully symbolic.
At any rate, Catalonia did not disappoint with its historic vote, delivering a clear majority for the independence coalition of Junts pel Sí ("Together for Yes") alliance and their allies in the radical left CUP. Although Madrid will point to the failure of the independistas to win a majority of the popular vote, that is a poor argument against change. Indeed, the left-green alliance of Catalonia Yes We Can (Catalunya Sí que es Pot), with a further nine percent of the vote, also supports the right of Catalonia to hold a referendum on independence.

Only the now ironically named, Popular Party of Catalonia of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, falling to a humiliating eight percent of the vote, is fully against any constitutional progress for Catalonia.  With Spanish elections due in December, and looking increasingly problematic for the ruling party in Madrid, this is a very narrow political base on which to continue adamant opposition to Catalan aspirations.
How should people react to this outpouring of democratic expression in Catalonia, first in the international community and the European Union, second, elsewhere in Spain, and third in Catalonia itself?

First, the international community should cease viewing Catalonia as a problem and start to see the opportunity in this democratic expression. In a world where violence abounds, and in a country that only two generations ago was ruled by a fascist dictator, peaceful democratic movements should be accorded respect and legitimacy. International commentators, whether sympathetic like myself or hostile like David Cameron,  should support the right of the people to choose their own future; the interventions of President Obama, David Cameron and the European Commission in Spain will have little impact on opinion and are likely to stoke resentment.
There is nothing unreasonable in the idea that Catalonia could be successful as an independent country. Catalonia, like Scotland, has a per capita GDP that is higher than the European Union average.  Were there an agreed, democratic and peaceful process of self-determination in Catalonia, Europe would have to acknowledge and accept that. All of this is merely to say that Europe must uphold its own key founding principles; turning its collective back on democracy is the sort of bureaucratic politics of convenience that further undermines the European ideal.
The Commission is already embroiled in controversy over allegations of interference in the Catalan vote. The Commission is looking into what happened to the Spanish translation of the text of the President Jean-Claude Juncker's parliamentary answer on Catalonia, which differed markedly from the original English version. He was asked whether or not the Commission would recognise a unilateral declaration of independence from Catalonia, or whether it would honor the Spanish constitution, which is against a declaration. The English version was short and rightly insisted that it's not the Commission's place to "express a position on questions of internal organisation related to the constitutional arrangements of a particular Member State." The Spanish version was longer, and adds the view that a decision of a regional parliament cannot determine the territory of a member state.
The very last thing pro-Europeans across the continent need is the European Commission to descend into disrepute amid allegations that it has tried to interfere in so important a debate about the future of one of its member nations.

Second, it is important that all of Spain recognize Catalonia's aspirations. The government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has spent years hoping the problem would go away. It hasn’t and it is now one of the many mounting problems threatening the Popular Party political hegemony.
The Spanish people need and deserve creative thinking about how to move toward a political settlement. Perhaps they will get it from the other parties in the upcoming elections.

Lastly, the independence forces in Catalonia would be well-advised to take a “calm souch,” as we say in Scotland. They have a democratic mandate. They now need to deliberately and calmly build international acceptance for the legitimacy of their aspirations, looking for allies in the December Spanish elections and in the other autonomous regions.
In Ireland, a long time ago, there was a saying that “England's difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity.” Catalonia is not Ireland; nor is it Scotland. However, Madrid’s difficulty could soon become Catalonia's opportunity.


"Segons d'on bufa el vent, ens arriba a ratxades el tritlleig d'una campana. Déu sap de quin poblet... Del territori enemic, és clar, ja que en el nostre no ha quedat cap campana: ¡però quina companyia fa! Estic content: he somniat la Trini. ¿Vols creure que encara no l'havia somniada mai? Llàstima que era tan incoherent, aquell somni; però la veia molt bé, que em somreia i tenia els ulls brillants de llàgrimes; els seus ulls de criatura crèdula i entenimentada.

I aquest matí de diumenge, sentint el so llunyà d'una campana de poblet, estirat sota un pi i prenent el sol tan madur de mitjans d'octubre, m'he posat a pensar que podríem ser tan feliços ella, el nen i jo, en aquesta paridera... ¿Per què no? Amb una vaca i unes quantes cabres, ben lluny de tothom; ¡Que ens deixin tranquils d'una vegada! El tritlleig de la campana anònima es confonia a moments amb les esquelles del bestiar i jo anava pensant que tot seria tan bonic si fos ben senzill.

Però ja ho han pensat tants d'altres abans que jo i ho pensaran tants després... Tan bonic si fos ben senzill... Hauríem de començar per ser senzills nosaltres; hauríem de començar per ser massissos com les estàtues, sense tota aquesta repugnant complicació que traginem per dintre sense saber-ho."

divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015



dijous, 24 de setembre del 2015


Versió musicada de Mishima.
 23 de gener:
Avui, per la primera i dolça volta,
m'ha sorprès la blancor dels ametllers
traient el cap per sobre dels recers
de l'hort blanc de les monges caputxines:
semblaven esfereïts de sentir-se tan florits
tots sols entre les boirines.

6 de febrer:
Avui semblaven valents
i semblava que cantaven
afrontant a tots els vents
i a les neus que els vents portaven.
Sota les neus imminents
cantaven de l'alegria
d'haver florit innocents
abans de l'hora i del dia:
des del fons dels jorns vinents,
plorant, la Primavera els beneïa.

15 de febrer:
Avui ha caigut neu damunt les flors
i damunt de les coses primerenques:
un matí de blancor que el sol ha fos.
A migdia poncelles vermellenques
han tret el cap florit entre la neu
i han resplendit en mig de la blancura:
els ametllers han dat gràcies a Déu
agitant llur rosada vestidura.

dilluns, 21 de setembre del 2015


 Potser ens hauríem de preocupar. Suposem que totes les coses que havíem d'haver resolt no les hem resolt encara, poc a poc se'ns ha anat acumulant la feina i tot està per fer. I les promeses, sobretot les que mai ens vem dir, de tant secretes, de tan callades, encara s'han de complir, si és que s'han de complir algun dia. Que mai hem plantat cara als nostres somnis, ni tampoc als problemes: que volem ser? Que volem dir? Qui volem ser? Si ho tenim clar, com ho hauríem de fer? Amb qui podríem comptar? Comptes amb mi? Compto amb tu? Sí, potser ens hauríem de preocupar. De fet, jo em preocupo i de vegades tinc por, però de sobte com qui no vol la cosa d'un dia per un altre me n'oblido. I a la llarga que vols que et digui, al final de tot no sé com ni gràcies a què, ni per quin estrany mecanisme tota aquesta angoixa, tota aquesta por que sento em tranquil·litza, no sé com però em tranquil·litza, estic tranquil, tranquil.

diumenge, 20 de setembre del 2015


Un altre divendres i encara no t'ho he dit,
una altra setmana amb el cor encongit.
Si reunís el valor per dir-te el que no goso,
si almenys m'atrevís a fer-t'ho saber,
no hauria de pensar en tu mai més,
no em caldria fer-ho cada dia,
cada dia més.


dijous, 17 de setembre del 2015







Well, the light was rust, and the cold was in our knees,
and our breath poured out over golden fields
Though I could not know then, we'd have but few times like these,
with all the good smoke in between

Tucked the darkness in, dragged the harrow across the land,
found my fresh start, sowed my wildest dreams
Though I could not know then, I was well in the weeds,
a tangled mess, whatever could come next

before the hours took over,
before the full weight was on our shoulders,
before the twilight's cover,
before I knew time was such a swindler

Oh my dear friend, everything falls to death
We tuck the darkness in, we tuck the darkness in
Oh my dear friend, everything falls to death
We tuck the darkness in, we tuck the darkness in.

dimarts, 8 de setembre del 2015


 Home alone and happy
Nothing brings me down
Full of wine, unsteady
Nothing brings me down
What's left of the rain runs down my roof
Nothing brings me down
The night is lush the air is still
Nothing brings me down

Dum dum dum dum dum dum

The windows are open, the flies are in
Nothing brings me down
The phones are off the music's on
Nothing brings me down

Dum dum dum dum dum dum

Home alone and happy
Nothing brings me down
My love for you is ready
Nothing brings me down
My love for you is ready

dilluns, 7 de setembre del 2015


 My wife stood by the harbor
Her hands set in a wave
Like no more evening and day
Now I see the beauty I failed to see when she was me
Life undress me of her, step by step
Like a silk dress, she fell to my feet

She brought me flowers
Said she liked my work
I thought she couldn't do us any harm
He never liked that kind of charm
But how could he resist
When her dress let in the autumn sun?

I used to watch the sparrows
Perched on electric wires
Like notes of a song waiting to be sung
For you, I wrote them down
He laughed at life that kept me sane
In a world of dark dark games

She brought me flowers
Said she liked my work
I thought she couldn't do us any harm
He never liked that kind of charm
But how could he resist
When her dress let in the autumn sun?

She watered the garden and played with the kids
For her birthday, let her try on his wedding ring

She brought me flowers
Said she liked my work
I thought she couldn't do us any harm
He never liked that kind of charm
But how could he resist
When her dress let in the autumn sun?

dissabte, 8 d’agost del 2015


We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long, (i wont be long)
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go
I was singing this song.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long,(i wont be long )
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go
I was singing this song.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when.
But I know well meet again, some sunny day.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when.
But I know well meet again some sunny day.
keep smiling through,
Just like You always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark Clouds far away.
So will You please say hello to the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long. (i wont be long )
They'll be happy to know as You saw me go,
I was singing this song.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when.
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.
keep smiling through just like you all ways do